
After a year and a half, the diagnosis was diagnosed! The man was miserable, he didn't expect an accident! Doctor: It can only be found ↗ by a physical examination

After a year and a half, the diagnosis was diagnosed! The man was miserable, he didn't expect an accident! Doctor: It can only be found ↗ by a physical examination

"A year and a half ago, I should have seen a doctor's review, otherwise I wouldn't have ...... now."

April 28th

In the Second People's Hospital of Beilun District, Ningbo City

Mr. Zhang, who had just finished the treatment, regretted it

He didn't expect that after a year and a half

Dragged himself out of prostate cancer

After a year and a half, the diagnosis was diagnosed! The man was miserable, he didn't expect an accident! Doctor: It can only be found ↗ by a physical examination

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Mr. Zhang, a 55-year-old self-employed businessman, is busy with work and pays little attention to his health. In 2022, during a fortuitous physical examination, his prostate-specific antigen (PSA) values showed abnormalities. The medical examiner specially called and told him to go for a follow-up.

The doctor's reminder did not attract Mr. Zhang's attention

Like a lot of people

He believes that the body is not painful or itchy

Why go to the hospital?

After a year and a half, the diagnosis was diagnosed! The man was miserable, he didn't expect an accident! Doctor: It can only be found ↗ by a physical examination

Available from February this year

Mr. Zhang began to appear

urinary frequency, urgency, incomplete urination,

Symptoms such as difficulty urinating

"At this age, it's normal to have some problems with the prostate, right?" Mr. Zhang comforted himself, thinking about going to the hospital when he was free.

A month later, Mr. Zhang's symptoms did not change, and he came to the doctor's hospital.

After a series of examinations, the results showed that Mr. Zhang's PSA value was 25ng/ml, which was more than 6 times higher than the normal value. "There is a high suspicion of malignancy, and biopsy is recommended. The doctor said, "It's too high." ”

Mr. Zhang finally realized the seriousness of the matter

At this time, the medical examiner's re-examination order is away

One and a half years have passed

This time, Mr. Zhang followed the doctor's advice and was hospitalized for a biopsy and puncture, and the pathological results showed prostatic acinar adenocarcinoma. Given that the puncture had just been done, the doctor recommended surgery in two weeks.

In late March, the doctor performed a laparoscopic radical resection of prostate cancer, and the operation went smoothly, and the pathological biopsy result was acinar adenocarcinoma. After the operation, Mr. Zhang also needed systematic endocrine therapy.

After a year and a half, the diagnosis was diagnosed! The man was miserable, he didn't expect an accident! Doctor: It can only be found ↗ by a physical examination

Doctors are operating on Mr. Zhang

According to the attending doctor, if it is detected early and diagnosed and treated early, surgery may only be needed. In addition, cases like Mr. Zhang's are not uncommon in clinical outpatient clinics, and they have received 3 cases this month alone.

According to the doctor, there are almost no symptoms in the early stage of prostate cancer, which can only be detected by physical examination. If you wait until symptoms appear before seeing a doctor, it is most likely in the middle or late stages. Patients with advanced prostate cancer will have urination disorders, which are manifested as urinary frequency, urgency, painful urination, incomplete urination, etc., and in severe cases, acute urinary retention, hematuria, and urinary incontinence may occur.

After a year and a half, the diagnosis was diagnosed! The man was miserable, he didn't expect an accident! Doctor: It can only be found ↗ by a physical examination

Doctor advises

The following groups of people have regular check-ups

  • Men over the age of 50 have an annual PSA test;
  • Men in the family, such as those with prostate cancer in their father or brother, are advised to have regular check-ups from the age of 45 onwards;
  • Once the relevant symptoms appear, it is necessary to be vigilant, check the PSA in time and make further diagnosis, the higher the PSA value, the greater the risk of prostate cancer.
After a year and a half, the diagnosis was diagnosed! The man was miserable, he didn't expect an accident! Doctor: It can only be found ↗ by a physical examination

The doctor finally reminds:

Needle biopsy to obtain pathological tissue

It is the gold standard for prostate cancer diagnosis

Therefore, when an abnormality is found

Actively cooperate with the doctor to perform biopsy and puncture!


Source: Ningbo Evening News

Editor: Lady W

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