
God XVII returned triumphantly, how long does it take for astronauts to walk on the ground.

author:Tomorrow will be better 321

When astronauts return to Earth, they go through a complex and exciting process. From deorbiting to landing, each step is designed to ensure that they return safely and can recover from the space environment as quickly as possible. Let's take a closer look at how long it takes for an astronaut to walk on the ground after completing a mission.

God XVII returned triumphantly, how long does it take for astronauts to walk on the ground.

Stage 1: Deorbiting

When astronauts have completed their mission in space, the first thing to do is to deorbit. This means that their spacecraft will leave its docking state with other spacecraft and begin to return to Earth along a predetermined orbit. This process usually takes only a few minutes, but for astronauts it means that their journey to Earth is about to begin.

God XVII returned triumphantly, how long does it take for astronauts to walk on the ground.

Stage 2: Re-entry

Once out of orbit, the astronaut's spacecraft begins to travel through the atmosphere. This is a challenging process because the spacecraft enters the atmosphere at high speeds, causing friction to produce high temperatures. Astronauts need to wear special spacesuits at this stage, and the spacecraft's outer shell needs to be able to withstand high temperatures to ensure their safety.

God XVII returned triumphantly, how long does it take for astronauts to walk on the ground.

Stage 3: Deceleration and landing

Once through the atmosphere, the astronaut's spacecraft begins to slow down. This is usually achieved by parachute and engine thrust. The parachute deceleration allows the craft to slowly descend to the ground, while the engine thrust helps to precisely control the landing position. This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour, depending on the design of the spacecraft and landing conditions.

God XVII returned triumphantly, how long does it take for astronauts to walk on the ground.

Stage 4: Landing and dismantling

Eventually, the astronauts' spacecraft landed at the designated landing site on the ground. Once landed, ground personnel immediately went to the vicinity of the spacecraft to ensure the safety of the astronauts. The astronauts then wait for the capsule to be unloaded, a process that can take anywhere from a few minutes to a dozen minutes, depending on the spacecraft's design and safety procedures.

God XVII returned triumphantly, how long does it take for astronauts to walk on the ground.

Stage 5: Return to Earth

Once the dismantling is complete, the astronauts can return to Earth. This may include undergoing medical tests, undergoing rehabilitation, and reuniting with family. The entire process can take hours or even days, depending on the astronaut's health and subsequent arrangements.


Overall, how long it takes for an astronaut to walk on the ground after completing a mission depends on a number of factors, including the design of the spacecraft, the landing conditions, the astronaut's health, and subsequent arrangements. However, no matter how long the process is, it is important to ensure that astronauts can return to Earth safely and that they receive proper care and rehabilitation.