
The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances

author:Suizhou Forum
The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances


  为了庆祝“五一”国际劳动节,迎接“五四”青年节,4月28日晚上,何店镇中心学校举行了以“激情飞扬红五月 梦想启航绽青春”为主题的文艺汇演活动。

The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances


The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances


The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances
The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances


The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances



The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances
The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances


The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances
The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances
The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances


The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances


The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances


The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances
The Central School of Hedian Town, Zengdu District, held a celebration of "May Day" and "May Fourth" literary and artistic performances
