
How to stay away from gout in patients with high uric acid

author:Health News

Patients with high uric acid can reduce uric acid levels and prevent gout attacks by mastering the following methods.

How to stay away from gout in patients with high uric acid

Rational feasting

Eating a sensible diet is key to controlling uric acid levels. Patients with high uric acid should follow the principle of a low-purine, low-fat, low-salt, and low-sugar diet to reduce the risk of gout and other diseases.

Low-purine diet: Limit the intake of high-purine foods, such as organ meats, seafood, red meat, etc., while increasing the intake of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Low-fat diet: Reduce your intake of fried foods, fatty meats, creams, etc., and switch to low-fat foods such as fish, tofu, and vegetables.

Low-salt diet: Reduce the intake of high-salt foods such as pickled foods and processed meats, and consume low-salt foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits in moderation.

Low-sugar diet: Reduce the intake of high-sugar foods such as sweet drinks, sweets, and cakes, and increase low-sugar foods such as vegetables and whole grains.

Moderate intake of vitamin C: Increase the intake of foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwifruit, etc., which can help with uric acid excretion.

Exercise moderately

Moderate exercise can boost metabolism and accelerate uric acid excretion. It is recommended that patients with high uric acid do aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., 3~5 times a week, for more than 30 minutes each time, but pay attention to controlling the intensity of exercise to avoid joint damage or gout attacks.

Drink plenty of fluids

Maintaining adequate water intake in patients with high uric acid can help dilute the uric acid concentration in the urine and promote uric acid excretion. It is recommended that patients with high uric acid consume at least 2000 ml of water per day, especially after physical activity or when exposed to high temperatures.

Avoid alcohol

Drinking alcohol in people with high uric acid inhibits the normal metabolism of uric acid and makes symptoms worse, so alcohol should be avoided.

Regular testing

Patients with high uric acid should have their uric acid levels checked regularly so that lifestyle and treatment strategies can be adjusted in a timely manner. Patients with high uric acid are advised to have uric acid levels tested every six months to one year.

Good mindset

It is equally important for patients with high uric acid to maintain a regular routine and a stable state of mind to control uric acid levels. Patients with high uric acid are advised to avoid staying up late and overexerting themselves to maintain their mental health.

How to stay away from gout in patients with high uric acid

Text: Wen Rong, Blood Purification Room, Nanchong Sixth People's Hospital (Nanchong Physical and Mental Hospital).

Editor: Liu Yang, Li Shiyao

Proofreading: Yang Zhenyu

Review: Qin Mingrui, Xu Bingnan

How to stay away from gout in patients with high uric acid
How to stay away from gout in patients with high uric acid