
Q5L luxury four-wheel drive price dropped, 453,800 instantly became 350,000!"

author:Follow the maple leaf to see the world
{"info":{"title":{"content":"\"震撼来袭!Q5L豪华四驱大降价,45.38万瞬间变成35万!\"","en":"Q5L luxury four-wheel drive price dropped, 453,800 instantly became 350,000!\""},"description":{"content":"这是真的吗?豪华汽车品牌奥迪竟然推出了如此疯狂的优惠活动!不得不说,天降横财的机会来了!现在正是你实现豪车梦想的最佳时机...","en":"Is this true? Audi, a luxury car brand, has launched such a crazy promotion! I have to say that the opportunity to make a windfall comes! Now is the best time for you to realize your dream of a luxury car..."}},"items":[]}