
7 wins and 2 losses! The Rocket PK will be defeated and will rush to the top 8, 75 pairs may meet, and the seeded players will lose again?

author:Xiao Shuo said something
{"info":{"title":{"content":"7胜2负!火箭PK手下败将冲8强,75双雄或会师,种子选手又败?","en":"7 wins and 2 losses! The Rocket PK will be defeated and will rush to the top 8, 75 pairs may meet, and the seeded players will lose again?"},"description":{"content":"罗尼·奥沙利文,这位斯诺克界的传奇人物,总是能够在世界舞台上吸引无数目光。本赛季他已成功夺得英锦赛及大师赛的冠军,他的比...","en":"Ronnie O'Sullivan, a legend in the snooker world, has always been able to attract countless eyes on the world stage. He has won the British Championship and the Masters this season."}},"items":[]}