
15 years ago, Guo Jinglin, who cried until he fainted at his beloved wife's funeral and vowed never to marry again, what happened now

author:Peach blossom eyes
{"info":{"title":{"content":"15年前,在爱妻葬礼上哭到昏厥发誓永不再娶的果靖霖,如今怎样了","en":"15 years ago, Guo Jinglin, who cried until he fainted at his beloved wife's funeral and vowed never to marry again, what happened now"},"description":{"content":"阅读此文前,麻烦您点击一下“关注”,方便您进行讨论和分享。此文仅在今日头条发布,任何平台不得搬运,搬运必究文|桃花眼编辑...","en":"Before reading this article, please click \"Follow\" to facilitate your discussion and sharing. This article is only published in today's headlines, and it is not allowed to be carried on any platform."}},"items":[]}