
"Chernobyl" film Douban score plummeted: Fukushima! Fukushima

author:Anecdotal gossip

In 2019, HBO made a TV series, "Chernobyl", which tells the story of the worst human-related disaster in history that occurred in the Soviet Empire decades ago.

"Chernobyl" film Douban score plummeted: Fukushima! Fukushima

The Soviet Union, once the largest red country, she forced Western capitalism in the most drastic way, with the greatest efforts and costs to retain the talents and elites of her own country, pushed the human rights and interests of workers to the peak, she has always been regarded by the West as the greatest threat, so is this film about the great and glorious side of the Communist Party? No! This film is completely smearing the Soviet Union and discrediting the Communists of that era, and because of this, after the Fukushima incident, this film, which was once touted by many people, has been rated all the way down, because people have found that the intention and purpose of this film are not pure in itself.

The Chernobyl incident was a nuclear reactor accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine under Soviet rule. The accident is considered the worst nuclear power accident in history and the first major accident to be rated as a level vii incident by the International Nuclear Incident Classification Scale.

After the accident, the Soviet authorities took measures to deal with this "unprecedented" disaster as soon as possible.

"Comrades, please take a break! Everyone knows their task. The commissar and I just went to the roof once and there was nothing remarkable there! Everything is ready, everyone shovels twice on the top and then hurry down, remember the essentials of protection! Ten people per group, don't exceed 40 seconds! Or I went up first, then the political commissar, the Communists, and the Communist Youth League. The other comrades followed, paying attention to safety. Holidays and the sanatorium of the Black Sea are ready for us, for the Sake of the Soviet Fatherland! ”

This was the mobilization of the commander of the Soviet rescue army after the disaster, and in the face of such a disaster, many Soviet officers took the lead and used their lives to buy time for their comrades, and 500,000 people's heroes went forward, regardless of life and death.

Looking at the current Fukushima incident:

After the Fukushima accident, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces were greedy for life and afraid of death, refused to go to the reactor rescue, and finally could only send 50 homeless people to send to death, and then Japan shamelessly made a movie called "50 Warriors", last September, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga went to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant to inspect, and the employees of the Tokyo Electric Power Company handed the diluted nuclear wastewater to Suga Yoshihide and asked him to taste it. At the repeated requests of the staff,

"Chernobyl" film Douban score plummeted: Fukushima! Fukushima

Or refuse to drink diluted nuclear wastewater.

In addition, many people think that the "Fukushima" incident was a natural disaster, but in fact, at the beginning of the "Fukushima" incident, the first moment the tsunami alarm sounded, the reactor immediately stopped operating. But there was still extremely high heat in the reactor, and the diesel generators that cooled the reactor were destroyed by the tsunami. The procedure for bringing seawater into the reactor should have been initiated.

At this time, the obese leader said coldly: "If you let the sea water in, billions of dollars of units will be scrapped." You can't afford the responsibility for the total annihilation of the crew." His men were intimidated by obscenity and had to be silenced. So while TEPCO announced at the press conference that everything was fine, the terrible core melted in the high temperature. The top brass of the consortium has hidden the truth from the world for their own benefit!

Here, let us interject a line from Chernobyl: What is the price of a lie?

In Chernobyl, successive explosions sparked fires and emitted large amounts of high-energy radioactive material into the atmosphere, which covered a large area. The disaster unleashed more than 400 times the radiation dose of the atomic bomb that exploded on Hiroshima during World War II.

It can be said that without the efforts and sacrifices of the Soviet government and the Soviet Red Army, the current Eastern and Central European regions would have become a dead city, and a huge amount of radiation would affect here for hundreds of years. And the Soviet Union quelled the disaster at great cost. The beauty of human nature revealed in the middle is something that the West cannot understand.

In the American drama "Chernobyl", it was the high-ranking Soviet officials who forced their subordinates to go to the rescue and distorted the facts.

The film "Chernobyl" itself is to promote the fear of China's centralized government, in the eyes of the West, the Soviet Union is the ultimate centralized government, China inherits the mantle of the Centralization of the Soviet Union, and under the centralized government structure, the crowd can be mobilized on a large scale.

But is there something wrong with a large-scale mobilization? How many phenomenal disasters have occurred in China over the years? Whether it was the great flood of 1998, the earthquake of 1908, the snow disaster or the Tianjin explosion, the Chinese government, with its extremely strong organizational ability and super high efficiency, has handed over qualified answers in the face of these rare disasters in decades and hundreds of years. A wildfire can burn for months.

Taking a step back, if large-scale redeployment is wrong, the United States has made countless mistakes.

In 1950, the United States stationed 6,000 soldiers near the site of the Nevada atomic bombing, to withstand the impact of the atomic bomb explosion, and to test the intensity of nuclear radiation with human bodies. In 1945, Hiroshima-Nagasaki had already verified the terrible nature of atomic bomb radiation, and the United States still went to put these soldiers outside the atomic bombing center in 1950, and since then, at the Nevada nuclear explosion test site, a total of eight nuclear bombing exercises have been held, and hundreds of thousands of American troops have participated in military exercises. They were ordered to launch a "charge" at the rumbling mushroom cloud immediately after the nuclear explosion, without any nuclear protection!

In recent years, with the rise of China, the Western cultural front has begun to block China, smearing and denigrating China in different ways, just as they once used against the Soviet Union.

Nowadays, the contribution of the Soviet Union in World War II has been slowly erased by the Western media, and even the Soviet flag planted by the Soviet Red Army in the Reichstag building has become the United States, and we must be vigilant not to be seduced by the so-called "cooking freedom" of the West.

"Chernobyl" film Douban score plummeted: Fukushima! Fukushima

Finally, a word they will never understand is sent to those who tout Western-style "cooking" – we are not on, are we going to let the people go up? advance! Davalich!

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