
Oil prices are about to be adjusted, domestic oil prices may fall, and the price of No. 92 gasoline on April 28 is being lowered today

author:Bacteria every year
{"info":{"title":{"content":"油价即将调整,国内油价或下跌,4月28日92号汽油今日价格下调中","en":"Oil prices are about to be adjusted, domestic oil prices may fall, and the price of No. 92 gasoline on April 28 is being lowered today"},"description":{"content":"文:年年菌编辑:年年菌前言:嘿,你知道吗?世界上最不稳定的就是什么?没错,就是油价!想象一下,你今天加满油的价格,明天可...","en":"Text: Nian Nian Bacteria Editor: Nian Nian Bacteria Foreword: Hey, you know what? What is the most unstable thing in the world? That's right, it's the price of oil! Imagine that if you fill up the price of gas today, you can ..."}},"items":[]}