
The father of the new crown vaccine was arrested! Serious violations of laws and disciplines, revenue exceeded 700 billion, and netizens were worried about vaccine adulteration

author:Lucky Bobo
{"info":{"title":{"content":"新冠疫苗之父被抓!严重违法违纪营收超7000亿,网友担心疫苗掺假","en":"The father of the new crown vaccine was arrested! Serious violations of laws and disciplines, revenue exceeded 700 billion, and netizens were worried about vaccine adulteration"},"description":{"content":"很难想象,疫苗之父杨晓明因严重违法违纪被免职,很多网友担心当时接种的疫苗有没有造假成分,目前虽然没有确凿证据,但是已经再...","en":"It is hard to imagine that Yang Xiaoming, the father of vaccines, was dismissed for serious violations of law and discipline, and many netizens were worried about whether the vaccine received at that time was fraudulent."}},"items":[]}