
The mother's demolition compensation is 5 million, and the cancer father kneels down to his daughter: Don't rob your paralyzed brother

author:Comfort Petrel

The mother's demolition compensation is 5 million, and the cancer father kneels down to his daughter: Don't rob your paralyzed brother

I, Zhang Lin, a 32-year-old working woman, grew up in a family that was not wealthy. Now the compensation for the demolition of her mother's house is as high as 5 million, which should be a happy event, but because his father has terminal cancer and his younger brother is paralyzed in bed, it has caused a family dispute. How should I deal with this sudden huge wealth and family entanglement?

My name is Zhang Lin, I am 32 years old, and I work as a middle manager in a large company. I was born into an ordinary family, my parents were factory workers, and I had a younger brother who was five years younger than me. When we were children, we didn't live well, but the family of four was happy.

Recently, there was good news from my mother's family, the house in my hometown is going to be demolished, and the compensation is as high as 5 million. This should have been a great event, but I didn't expect that this money would become the fuse of our family strife.

The mother's demolition compensation is 5 million, and the cancer father kneels down to his daughter: Don't rob your paralyzed brother

That day, I received a call from my mother saying that my father had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and I was afraid that time was short. When I heard this, my heart was like a knife, and I immediately asked for leave and rushed back to my hometown. As soon as I stepped into the house, I saw my father lying on the bed, his face was pale, and he was so thin that he was almost out of shape. The younger brother was also paralyzed in bed because of an accident and couldn't take care of himself.

My mom told me that my father's greatest wish was to watch my brother and I live a good life. But now, he worries that the money will become a dispute between our siblings. I knew what my dad meant, he was afraid that I would rob my brother of the money.

On the one hand, of course, I hope that my father can recuperate with peace of mind and not worry about these things; On the other hand, I also understand what this 5 million means for our family.

The mother's demolition compensation is 5 million, and the cancer father kneels down to his daughter: Don't rob your paralyzed brother

At night, I lay in bed tossing and turning, full of contradictions. I know that as an older sister, I should let my younger brother go, but I also have my own dreams and pursuits. This money, for me, is an opportunity to make my dreams come true.

The next day, I plucked up the courage to talk to my dad. I told him that I wouldn't rob my brother of money, and that I just wanted him to recuperate in peace and not worry about our affairs. Dad listened to my words, his eyes moistened, he took my hand and said, "Linlin, you have grown up, Dad knows that you are sensible." But your brother is ...... Alas, he is the most reassuring thing in my life. ”

Looking at my father's old face and tired eyes, my heart felt sour. I know that my dad has been worrying about me and my brother all his life, and he would rather suffer himself than let us live a good life.

I squeezed my father's hand and said firmly, "Dad, don't worry, I will take care of my brother." With this money, we will plan well so that our lives are all better. ”

The mother's demolition compensation is 5 million, and the cancer father kneels down to his daughter: Don't rob your paralyzed brother

Dad listened to me and smiled for the first time in a long time. He patted the back of my hand and said, "Okay, okay, I'm relieved to have your words." ”

In the days that followed, I was busy contacting hospitals and rehabilitation centers to develop a detailed rehabilitation plan for my younger brother. At the same time, I also started to plan my future. I want to use the money to start a business and realize my dreams.

However, things didn't go as smoothly as I thought they would. My brother's recovery progressed slowly and took a lot of time and money. And my plan to start a business has been delayed again and again for various reasons. I started to feel anxious and confused, and I didn't know what to do.

At this moment, my mother suddenly came to me and said that my father was seriously ill again. I hurried to the hospital and saw my father lying on the hospital bed, his face as pale as paper. He took my hand and said weakly, "Linlin, Dad may not be able to hold on." You must remember not to steal money from your brother, he is the hope of our family. ”

The mother's demolition compensation is 5 million, and the cancer father kneels down to his daughter: Don't rob your paralyzed brother

I listened to my father's words, and my heart was like a knife. I know that my father is explaining what happened, and he is afraid that after I leave, my brother and I will turn against each other because of money. I held back my tears and nodded in agreement: "Dad, don't worry, I will take care of my brother and will not rob him of money." ”

Dad listened to my words and seemed much more relieved. He closed his eyes and stopped talking. I stood by the bed, silently watching him, my heart filled with endless sadness and helplessness.

A few days later, Dad was gone. He walked peacefully, leaving no regrets. I know that he left with trust and expectation in me.

After dealing with my father's funeral, I began to devote myself to my brother's recovery and my own business plan. Although the road is still bumpy, I believe that as long as I persevere, I will one day achieve my dream.

Now, when I think back to those days, I feel extremely blessed and grateful. I am glad that I have such a great father, who taught me with his life what love and responsibility are; I am grateful for the huge amount of demolition money, which made me re-examine my life and values.

I know that there is still a long way to go, and I will carry my father's love and expectations to move forward bravely and pursue my own happiness and success.