
Rare old photo: naked Jewish woman in the open shower, woman stripped and searched by the Nazis

author:A wandering knight
{"info":{"title":{"content":"罕见老照片:全身赤裸的犹太女子露天淋浴,被纳粹扒衣搜身的女人","en":"Rare old photo: naked Jewish woman in the open shower, woman stripped and searched by the Nazis"},"description":{"content":"纳粹集中营中的犹太女子,被迫在露天淋浴。受老者虐待的女子,处境悲惨,令人同情。纳粹的残酷行为导致大量犹太人被杀,鞋子从他...","en":"Jewish women in Nazi concentration camps were forced to take showers in the open air. The situation of women who are abused by the elderly is tragic and sympathetic. Nazi cruelty led to the killing of a large number of Jews, shoes from him..."}},"items":[]}