
The "native ginseng" that the old people are digging is full of thorns, but the people in the village cherish it because it is precious

author:Dietitian Ho Haizhen
{"info":{"title":{"content":"老人都在挖的“土人参”,虽浑身是刺,村里人却很珍惜,因为珍贵","en":"The \"native ginseng\" that the old people are digging is full of thorns, but the people in the village cherish it because it is precious"},"description":{"content":"大家好,我是营养师何海珍。笔者是一位土生土长的农村人,同时也是一位中草药的爱好者。关注我,每天为大家分享农村常见的各种野...","en":"Hello everyone, I'm nutritionist He Haizhen. The author is a native of the countryside and a lover of Chinese herbal medicine. Follow me and share with you every day a variety of common wild fields in the countryside."}},"items":[]}

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