
Insomnia, dreamy, easy to wake up, try this recipe and sleep until you wake up naturally!

author:Yang Quanyan

Imagine that night falls and the city quiets down, while you toss and turn in bed, unable to sleep. Or worse, just fall asleep and wake up to a slight noise or a sudden dream. I woke up every morning and felt as if I hadn't rested at all. Does this experience make you feel empathy?

There are many people around us who struggle with insomnia, dreaminess, and waking up easily every night. They long for a good night's sleep and wake up naturally. But why do these sleep disorders occur so frequently? This article will delve into the physiological mechanisms of insomnia, dreaminess, and wakefulness, and provide practical strategies to help you regain those lost quiet nights.

Insomnia, dreamy, easy to wake up, try this recipe and sleep until you wake up naturally!

Understanding Sleep Disorders

Insomnia: Why is it difficult to embrace dreams at night?

Insomnia is not just a matter of falling asleep, it can take many forms, including difficulty maintaining sleep (frequent awakenings during the night), early awakenings, and poor sleep quality. Depending on the duration, insomnia can be divided into acute insomnia and chronic insomnia. Acute insomnia is often triggered by stressful events in your life, such as work stress, unexpected events or important exams, while chronic insomnia may be related to long-term lifestyle habits, environmental factors or health problems.

There are many causes of insomnia, including psychological factors such as anxiety and depression, physiological factors such as hormonal imbalances or pain, and environmental factors such as noise and inappropriate sleep environments. In addition, poor bedtime habits, such as late dinners and the use of optoelectronic devices, can also significantly affect sleep quality.

Dreaming and waking up: a drama of mental activity at night

Dreaminess usually occurs during rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep), which is the most active phase of the sleep cycle when the brain is active. At this stage, in addition to dreams, the brain processes daytime emotions and memories. Dreaminess may be a response to psychological stress, suggesting that the brain is trying to resolve or process potential psychological conflicts.

Ease of awakening is associated with the superficial stages of sleep, especially during the transition to deep sleep. Some common causes of waking up include ambient noise, uncomfortable room temperatures, and health problems such as sleep apnea. In addition, stress and anxiety in life can also make the brain in a state of high alertness, easily disturbed by subtle changes in the outside world.

Insomnia, dreamy, easy to wake up, try this recipe and sleep until you wake up naturally!

Strategies for improving sleep through science

Optimize your living habits and have a regular schedule

Small habit changes in your life can significantly improve sleep quality. First of all, establishing a set sleep and wake up time is very critical to regulating the body's biological clock. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Second, avoid eating within two hours of bedtime, especially heavy eating and caffeine intake, as these can interfere with normal sleep cycles. In addition, limiting fluid intake at night can reduce the number of nighttime awakenings, thereby reducing sleep disruption.

The environment is adjusted and the quality of sleep is improved

The sleep environment is essential for optimal sleep. Keep the bedroom quiet, dark, and maintain a comfortable temperature, usually between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius. Using blackout curtains or a sleeping mask can help block out light, while using earplugs can help block out noise. Making sure your mattress and pillows support your sleeping position and choosing the right firmness for your individual needs can help reduce pressure points caused by your position, which can lead to fewer nighttime awakenings.

Hands-on relaxation techniques

Deep breathing exercises to release stress

Insomnia, dreamy, easy to wake up, try this recipe and sleep until you wake up naturally!

Performing deep breathing exercises is a quick and effective way to promote relaxation and improve sleep. Taking a few deep breaths before bed can significantly reduce your body's stress levels, which can help you fall asleep faster. Try 4-7-8 breathing, which means inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, then exhale for eight seconds, repeating the cycle four times. This breathing rhythm helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and enhance the body's relaxation response.

Progressive muscle relaxation for improved sleep quality

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is another effective relaxation technique, especially for those who often experience muscle tension or pain. This method involves tensing one by one and then relaxing each of the body's major muscles. Start with your feet and work your way up to your head, tense for five seconds at a time, then relax for ten seconds. Not only does this reduce tension in the body, but it also helps with mental relaxation and is an ideal way to prepare for deep sleep.

By implementing these simple but effective strategies, you can significantly improve your sleep quality. Adjusting your lifestyle and sleeping environment, along with hands-on relaxation techniques, can help you fall asleep faster, sleep deeply, and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning. Always remember that persistent sleep problems may require professional medical help, so seek medical advice from your doctor if self-adjustment is not effective.

Insomnia, dreamy, easy to wake up, try this recipe and sleep until you wake up naturally!