
Is this era really fighting for fathers? The income of parents affects 90% of their children's lives

author:Duck Duck shares new things

Today's sharing: In fact, your father's financial resources have determined 90% of your life.

Indeed, it's not Versailles, my mother who graduated from college gave me a suite, and my grandfather bought a suite. Dad buys a car. It's all in full. In his sophomore year, he gave 600,000 yuan to start a business with friends. Now I lie at home every day, the company is quite successful, I get dividends every year, and my father's factory will give me one or two hundred dividends at the end of each year. These things are something that ordinary people have to struggle for a long time. Thank myself for being so reincarnated [covering my face].

‬ 普通人在努力也很难达到人家这高度,人家都是财富累积[流泪][流泪][流泪]昨晚还有个女的怼我说我不够努力[笑哭]好家伙我再怎么样努力阶级就摆哪里了,毕竟人人不是雷总,也不是那些白手起家的成功者[流泪]

Is this era really fighting for fathers? The income of parents affects 90% of their children's lives


Is this era really fighting for fathers? The income of parents affects 90% of their children's lives

‬ 我们80后,我和我老公都没有读大学,08年左右就出来打拼 ,凭着我们一股子勤劳和小聪明加点小幸运,也在大城市安了家,一年收入大几十万,因为那时创业环境好,门槛低,社会对我们低学历的农村孩子都比较包容,现在不行了,现在赚钱越来越难了,所以我们哪怕有房有车有钱,也还是要拼命卷孩子。

Is this era really fighting for fathers? The income of parents affects 90% of their children's lives

‬ [泪奔]我感觉我还是很幸运的,一路都有人帮衬,就高中感觉是自己努力,大学给了我二十个让我感受创业(虽然亏完了)其他都在父母帮衬,今年去上海读医学研究生,家里给安排了导师,就按着家里平台走,看我以后在哪工作就给我买房,最近在给我和我姐买车,姐姐也是硕博连读,嘎嘎幸福[看],感谢爹妈

Is this era really fighting for fathers? The income of parents affects 90% of their children's lives

‬确实,身边家庭普通的朋友,如今三十几岁了也是很普通,家里有钱的朋友早就过上了富人的奢侈生活。 There is a rich family that can really struggle for 20 years less. Don't be sour, it's a brutal truth

Is this era really fighting for fathers? The income of parents affects 90% of their children's lives

‬不是凡尔赛 ,我妈18岁让我住上了别墅 ,开上了车 ,19岁就给我买了房 ,21岁给我买了第一辆宝马五系[耶] 有我妈幸福爆了

Is this era really fighting for fathers? The income of parents affects 90% of their children's lives

‬羡慕会投胎的[舔屏][舔屏][舔屏]从小就有钱 ,普通人一辈子得不到的东西,有钱人总能轻松拿捏 ,太酷了[舔屏]

Is this era really fighting for fathers? The income of parents affects 90% of their children's lives

I'm 96, my husband is 93, I don't have my parents to help me, my husband is very hard, because I have a baby, he is raising a family alone, he just helped pay off the mortgage this year, and he is penniless, he said that he has been working hard for two years to buy a car [covering his face] Although it is a little slower than his age, but fortunately he is still working hard

Is this era really fighting for fathers? The income of parents affects 90% of their children's lives

‬ 我娘家也是一样的。 Marrying my husband brought my mother's family with me. But my husband's family is not super good, and it has gotten better since I got married. I think it's God's arrangement. Some people just get better and better when they get together. [tears run] [tears run]

Is this era really fighting for fathers? The income of parents affects 90% of their children's lives

‬我家不是先天有钱,我爷爷奶奶一个是会计一个是老师,我爸也没读到啥书,顶多是个高中,一切靠后天,我爸脑子赚,那个时候别人想着踏踏实实做手艺挣钱,他和我妈两个人跑去做生意,然后赚了第一笔钱,先建房,之后买房,拆迁。 I bought a house again, my brother graduated from college immediately, and my father took 300,000 yuan to start a business during his college years. Fang's family has already existed, and now he and his friends are starting a business. And I, I can't [cover my face] I don't turn my brain [cover my face] I basically have my parents help me, and everything is ready for me, I'm afraid I'll starve to death

Is this era really fighting for fathers? The income of parents affects 90% of their children's lives

‬有钱人很多,普通人也很多的,自己日子越来越好,心里开心幸福感就好了[呲牙],心态很重要,放好心态,每天的24小时累也好,轻松也好,心里别想太多自己没有的,想着自己拥有的就好了。 [Witty]

Is this era really fighting for fathers? The income of parents affects 90% of their children's lives

Children of ordinary families really don't belittle themselves, don't lose confidence, I'm not painting a pie or advocating suffering. Suffice it to say that maybe your parents aren't rich, but as long as they love you, it's enough.

The greatest wealth that parents give their children is good character, open-mindedness, self-improvement will have everything, and there are many children around them who have huge assets at a young age but they are really not good, so whether the trend of money and children's future life is really not absolute, soberly recognize yourself, don't complain, you will have everything.

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