
What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: The 2022 China Cardiovascular Disease Health and Disease Report was authoritatively released by the National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, revealing the grim reality in the field of cardiovascular diseases in mainland China.

According to the report, the number of people suffering from hypertension in mainland China has soared to a staggering 245 million, which not only highlights the important position of hypertension in chronic diseases in mainland China, but also serves as a severe warning to the cardiovascular health situation in mainland China.

With the aging of the population and the widespread prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and other diseases, pan-vascular diseases represented by coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease and peripheral artery disease are growing rapidly in the mainland. These vascular diseases, like the "four kings" in the field of chronic diseases, have brought unprecedented threats to people's health.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times

Although hypertension is a member of it, although it is quite well-known, people's understanding of it is often only superficial. Many people do not realize the great destructive power of high blood pressure to health, and some patients are even unknowingly entangled in high blood pressure, and do not regret it until a serious illness such as a sudden stroke.

According to Professor Wang Jiangang, director and chief physician of the Health Management Center of the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, the awareness rate of hypertension patients in mainland China is only 51.6%, which means that more than half of the hypertension patients do not know that they have the disease.

In order to prevent high blood pressure, many people choose to bring their own electronic blood pressure monitor at home and insist on daily blood pressure measurement. However, if the measurement is not done in the right way, then this effort is likely to be in vain. Correct blood pressure measurement methods and frequencies are essential to accurately understand your blood pressure status.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen our understanding of hypertension in our daily life and improve our self-monitoring and prevention and control capabilities. Only in this way can we better protect our cardiovascular health and stay away from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times


Does high blood pressure not equal high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is not the same as high blood pressure, a concept that is often misunderstood. High blood pressure is just a physiological reaction and can be a temporary increase due to various reasons such as exercise, nervousness, anxiety, etc. Hypertension, on the other hand, is a long-term, chronic disease that is usually caused by a combination of factors.

High blood pressure is a condition in which blood flows through the blood vessels to exert a pressure on the walls of the blood vessels that is consistently higher than normal. This high-pressure state can damage blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and more. Causes of high blood pressure include genetics, unhealthy lifestyle, environmental factors, etc.

Although high blood pressure does not equate to high blood pressure, high blood pressure can be a sign of high blood pressure. If we often find that our blood pressure is high, we should be vigilant and take measures to adjust it in time. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as a balanced diet, moderate exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, and controlling weight, are all effective ways to prevent high blood pressure.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times


The most ideal interval for hypertension

The ideal blood pressure value has always been a hot topic of discussion in the medical community. Some leading experts have pointed out that the optimal blood pressure state should be close to the lower limit of the normal range, i.e., systolic blood pressure is maintained at 120 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and diastolic blood pressure is 80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Such blood pressure levels help reduce the risk of cardiovascular events and maintain the health of organs such as the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys.

This is because an increase in blood pressure means that the heart and blood vessels need to be put under more pressure, which will undoubtedly increase the burden on these organs and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in the long run.

High blood pressure may also induce serious complications such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease, which seriously threatens the life safety of patients.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times

However, for certain groups of people, such as older adults or hypertensive patients with cardiovascular disease, a slightly higher blood pressure is acceptable.

This is because as we age, blood vessels gradually harden and become less elastic, and blood pressure naturally rises. For these patients, slightly higher blood pressure can increase the blood supply to the heart and brain and relieve physical discomfort.

However, it is worth noting that this does not mean that they can stop the drug or change the treatment plan at will, and they still need to strictly follow the doctor's guidance and carry out scientific antihypertensive treatment.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times


What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times

In the medical field, the measurement of blood pressure is one of the essential skills that every doctor must master, as blood pressure level is one of the important indicators to assess the health of the human body.

However, what many people may not know is that the timing of blood pressure measurement is also crucial. Here's a doctor's advice: the best time to measure blood pressure levels most accurately is 8:00~9:00 in the morning and 16:00~18:00 in the afternoon.

Why did you choose these two time periods?

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times

1. I haven't gotten up in the morning

When you wake up in the morning, your body has not been disturbed by various external factors, such as exercise, diet and mood, so the blood pressure measurement at this time best reflects the body's basal blood pressure level. Over a 24-hour period, the body's blood pressure fluctuates with a variety of factors such as time, activity, diet, etc., so blood pressure measurements may vary from time to time.

After waking up in the morning, the human body is in a relatively static state and has not been disturbed by these external factors, so the blood pressure value measured at this time is the most accurate. In addition, the body's metabolism level is relatively low when you wake up in the morning, which also helps to get more accurate blood pressure measurements.

Therefore, it is recommended that you choose the best time to measure your blood pressure when you wake up in the morning. You can sit still for a few minutes before getting out of bed to allow your body to gradually adjust to the waking state before taking the measurement. This can help us better understand our physical condition and detect and control health problems such as high blood pressure in time.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times

2. 16:00-18:00 in the afternoon

In the body's biological clock and physiological activities, the time period from 16:00 to 18:00 in the afternoon is regarded as a peak period for blood pressure. This means that people's blood pressure levels tend to be relatively high during this time period. Once 18:00 is over, the body's blood pressure level usually gradually enters a state of stabilisation or decrease.

Therefore, it is especially important for people who need to monitor their blood pressure to understand and pay attention to these two peak blood pressure periods. When taking blood pressure measurements, it is necessary to record not only the specific blood pressure value, but also the time, place, and activity status of the individual at the time of measurement. For doctors, this information is an important basis for judging the patient's blood pressure status.

In addition, it is crucial to keep track of when and dosage of medications are taken. By recording this information, doctors can get a more complete picture of the patient's antihypertensive therapy, so as to determine whether the current antihypertensive regimen is reasonable and whether the drug dose needs to be adjusted or changed.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times


If you have these 4 symptoms, it is recommended to self-check your blood pressure level

Persistent headaches

A clear sign of high blood pressure can be a persistent headache, which usually occurs near the back of the head or temples and may be accompanied by dizziness or nausea. If your headaches are frequent and last for a long time, then you should consider checking your blood pressure.

Blurred vision

High blood pressure can cause damage to the blood vessels in the retina, which can affect vision. If you suddenly notice that your vision has become blurry, or you have problems with double vision, visual field defects, etc., then you should check your blood pressure as soon as possible.

Difficulty breathing or wheezing

High blood pressure can cause the heart to function impaired, making it unable to pump blood efficiently. This can cause blood to build up in the lungs, which can cause difficulty breathing or wheezing.

Ringing in the ears or hearing loss

High blood pressure can affect blood circulation in the ears and lead to hearing loss. If you find yourself experiencing frequent ringing in your ears or hearing loss, then you should also pay attention to your blood pressure levels.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times


What harm will high blood pressure bring to the body?

Damage to the cardiovascular system

High blood pressure puts a greater strain on the heart, leading to left ventricular hypertrophy, which can lead to heart failure in the long run. At the same time, high blood pressure will also accelerate the damage of the inner wall of blood vessels, making blood vessels fragile, prone to atherosclerosis, and increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction.

Cerebrovascular accidents are frequent

Hypertension is one of the risk factors for stroke, and long-term hypertension will lead to hardening and brittleness of cerebral blood vessels, and it is easy to cause cerebral hemorrhage due to cerebral blood vessel rupture, or cerebral thrombosis caused by blood vessel blockage. These can lead to ischemia and hypoxia in the brain, which can be life-threatening in severe cases.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times

Impaired kidney function

High blood pressure can damage the small blood vessels of the kidneys, leading to glomerulosclerosis and tubular damage, which affects the excretion and regulatory functions of the kidneys. In the long term, proteinuria, renal insufficiency, and eventually uremia may develop.

Increased risk of fundus lesions

High blood pressure can cause the arteries in the fundus to become thinner and hardener, leading to retinopathy, blurred vision, visual field defects and other symptoms. In severe cases, it may lead to retinal detachment, blindness and other consequences.

Systemic arteriosclerosis is accelerated

Hypertension is an important driver of systemic arteriosclerosis. Long-term hypertension will thicken, harden, and reduce the elasticity of the arterial walls throughout the body, making atherosclerosis prone to occur. This not only affects the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, but also affects the arteries of the limbs, leading to lesions such as arteriosclerosis occlusion of the lower limbs.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times


Standard posture for blood pressure measurement

The standard posture for blood pressure measurement is one of the important factors in ensuring accurate blood pressure measurement, and the correct posture not only helps the doctor or measurer to get a more accurate blood pressure reading, but also ensures the safety and comfort of the person being tested.

1. The test subject should sit in a stable, comfortable chair. The height of the chair should be moderate so that the subject's feet are flat on the ground and their knees are at a 90-degree angle to the ground. Such a posture helps to keep the body relaxed and stable, thus reducing measurement errors.

2. The back of the test subject should be straight, not rickety or excessively leaning forward. If possible, place a cushion on the back of the chair to provide additional support and comfort. At the same time, the subject's feet should be flat on the ground, not crossed or dangling.

What is the most accurate time to measure blood pressure? Doctor's advice: Most people have taken these two best times

3. Before measuring blood pressure, the subject should be quiet and not engage in strenuous activities or mood swings. This helps stabilize blood pressure levels, resulting in more accurate measurements.

4. During the measurement, the subject's arm should be placed on the table with the palm facing up. The height of the arm should be at the level of the heart to ensure that the sphygmomanometer cuff is at the same level as the heart. If the arm is positioned too high or too low, it can cause inaccurate blood pressure readings.

5. In addition, the test subject should relax their body and not exert too much force or tension. During the measurement, the person should breathe calmly and not hold their breath or breathe deeply. This helps to reduce measurement errors and ensures accurate blood pressure readings.