
The anti-Sun Yang alliance regrouped! Famous European and American generals spoke out evilly: ban Chinese swimmers forever

author:Sisi Yuedong
{"info":{"title":{"content":"反孙杨联盟重新集结!欧美众名将邪恶发声:永远禁赛 中国游泳选手","en":"The anti-Sun Yang alliance regrouped! Famous European and American generals spoke out evilly: ban Chinese swimmers forever"},"description":{"content":"在西方媒体长期洗脑的背景下,一些欧美运动员对中国游泳队产生了偏见,并组成了“反孙杨联盟”,通过舆论施压和发表反动言论,对...","en":"In the context of long-term brainwashing by the Western media, some European and American athletes have become prejudiced against the Chinese swimming team, and formed the \"Anti-Sun Yang Alliance\", through public pressure and reactionary remarks, to ..."}},"items":[]}

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