
The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and said frankly with tears streaming down his face: The waist had already given a hint and he didn't care too much

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"That day, I suddenly found that I had to buckle my belt again, should I be happy or worried?" Zhang Mingyuan said with a smile to his friends, the 52-year-old accountant has lost significant weight in recent months, and although he didn't pay attention to it, his friends said it was a sign of successful weight loss.

Zhang Mingyuan, an ordinary accountant, has worked in obscurity for nearly 30 years in a small company. Until one day, he suddenly felt a tingling pain in his lower back, thinking that he had been sitting for too long and did not pay too much attention to it. But the pain is getting more frequent and worse. He had to go to the hospital, where doctors told him that he had pancreatic cancer.

The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and said frankly with tears streaming down his face: The waist had already given a hint and he didn't care too much

The sudden news brought tears to his eyes as he suddenly realized that those early low back pains were actually warning signs from his body. Pancreatic cancer is an extremely insidious and dangerous disease that is often difficult to detect in its early stages.

"The pancreas is located deep in the abdomen, and the early symptoms are usually very mild. Many patients, like you, may have only mild back or lower back pain at first, because the pancreatic tumor is pressing on the peripheral nerves. ”

The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and said frankly with tears streaming down his face: The waist had already given a hint and he didn't care too much

But Zhang's situation is more complicated, as his weight loss is also a very crucial cue. Unexplained weight loss is often associated with diseases of the digestive system, especially pancreatic cancer. "Pancreatic cancer patients may experience what's known as cachexia, which is extreme weight loss and muscle wasting because the tumor affects the body's metabolism," the doctor noted. ”

The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and said frankly with tears streaming down his face: The waist had already given a hint and he didn't care too much

In terms of treatment, Zhang Mingyuan does not have many options. Pancreatic cancer is often detected too late and the chances of successful surgical removal are low. Doctors advised him on chemotherapy and radiation therapy to control the progression of the disease. The doctor also reminded him to pay attention to his diet and try to choose foods that are easy to digest and nutritious.

The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and said frankly with tears streaming down his face: The waist had already given a hint and he didn't care too much

To Zhang's surprise, the doctor also singled out a health factor that is often overlooked – mental health. "People with serious illnesses often feel stressed, and this psychological stress can actually accelerate the course of the disease," the doctor explains. Psychological interventions and support can improve the survival rate and quality of life of patients to some extent. ”

The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and said frankly with tears streaming down his face: The waist had already given a hint and he didn't care too much

He also noted that while it may seem unrelated to pancreatic cancer, moderate exercise and a regular lifestyle can also have a positive impact on a patient's general health. Zhang Mingyuan decided to follow his doctor's advice and make changes to his lifestyle, including regular counseling and joining a patient support group.

The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and said frankly with tears streaming down his face: The waist had already given a hint and he didn't care too much

After this series of treatments and adjustments, Zhang Mingyuan began to slowly adapt to life with the disease. In a support group meeting, he asked the question, "Doctor, can you specify why it is so difficult for patients with pancreatic cancer to have a significant improvement in survival even after chemotherapy?"

The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and said frankly with tears streaming down his face: The waist had already given a hint and he didn't care too much

"Pancreatic cancer is particularly difficult to treat, in part because the tumour is often already at an advanced stage when it is detected," the doctor said. In addition, the location of the pancreas complicates surgical removal, and tumors are less responsive to chemotherapy than other types of cancer. "That's why we emphasize the importance of early diagnosis and integrated treatment strategies. ”

The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and said frankly with tears streaming down his face: The waist had already given a hint and he didn't care too much

In order to further improve Zhang's quality of life, doctors advised him to participate in some low-intensity physical activities, adjust his eating habits, and increase his intake of dietary fiber, which are all effective ways to help reduce the symptoms of pancreatic cancer patients.

While adjusting lifestyle habits, doctors also emphasized the importance of moral support. "Mental state is equally important for people with serious illnesses," he explains. Anxiety and depression may exacerbate the condition and affect the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, regular counselling or joining a support group can be very helpful in managing the condition. ”

The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and said frankly with tears streaming down his face: The waist had already given a hint and he didn't care too much

As the treatment progressed, Zhang Mingyuan had hope for the future, and his attitude also influenced those around him. During a follow-up visit after treatment, he asked the doctor, "Doctor, you mentioned the 'holistic treatment strategy' earlier, can I understand that it is not only medication and surgery, but also a comprehensive adjustment of lifestyle and psychological state, and how does such a strategy help cancer patients?"

The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and said frankly with tears streaming down his face: The waist had already given a hint and he didn't care too much

The doctor replied affirmatively, "You are absolutely right, Mr. Zhang." The 'holistic treatment strategy' does include a multifaceted approach that goes beyond medical and surgical treatment. For example, appropriate physical activity and psychological interventions have been shown to reduce pain and improve patients' emotional state, which has a direct impact on treatment outcomes. ”

"Healthy eating habits can support the body's basic needs and enhance its ability to fight disease. This comprehensive treatment strategy is to help patients fight the disease in many ways and return to and maintain a normal life as much as possible. ”

The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and said frankly with tears streaming down his face: The waist had already given a hint and he didn't care too much

Through the doctor's explanation, Zhang Mingyuan better understood why he was taking this multifaceted treatment and strengthened his determination to continue to do so. Despite the inevitable pain, this holistic care gave him a sense of hope and confidence that he was able to face the challenges of treatment and life at his best.

What do you think about pancreatic cancer?

The 52-year-old man was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and said frankly with tears streaming down his face: The waist had already given a hint and he didn't care too much