
Is it better to run a few kilometers a day in the morning?

author:Super Bowl Home

I, a new self-disciplined runner born in the 80s, think that running for half an hour to an hour every morning, 5 kilometers to 10 kilometers is the most appropriate. Everyone adjusts their running style according to their physical fitness, and my ultimate goal is to run for an hour every morning.

Youyou is very powerful, you insist on running 5~8 kilometers every morning, and have insisted on it for a year. I had a big weight before running, I ran the same way as my friends, I lost 40 pounds after running for half a year, and my knees were no problem, and the fat loss effect was not too good.

Is it better to run a few kilometers a day in the morning?

1. It is said on the Internet that jogging for half an hour only starts to burn fat. So a morning run of more than half an hour is best, which translates to five kilometers.

Jogging five kilometers and sweating is a moderate amount of exercise. Moderate exercise will not cause fatigue, and long-term adherence can enhance physical fitness and promote physical health.

This is the most suitable way to run for the average person. A single run of 5 kilometers is also very easy to do.

I, a post-80s generation, think that jogging is to walk briskly and faster, and brisk walking is to walk faster. So according to my deduction, it is very easy for everyone to take a walk, you can walk fast after walking for a long time, and you can jog after walking for a while.

I started jogging for 3 km. I didn't succeed in losing weight, so I didn't like jogging, so I didn't keep jogging. But I often go briskly after dinner to exercise, maybe go to the supermarket to buy groceries, maybe go shopping, and walk briskly for more than an hour.

With the physical base of brisk walking, it was easy for me to adapt to the intensity of a 3km jog. About half a month later, I started running 5 kilometers in the morning. I increased the length of the brisk walk in this 5km run so that I could get used to the intensity of the 5km earlier.

Friends, is it easy to jog 5 kilometers according to my method?

Is it better to run a few kilometers a day in the morning?

2. Insist on jogging every day, the important thing is to protect your knees and ankles. I, a post-80s generation, uphold the principle that less is king.

The concept of exercise is actually quite simple. I'll give you a common example, if you run today and wake up tomorrow with sore legs, this means that you have exercised a lot and you haven't adapted to the intensity of exercise.

I insist on running in the morning without injury, that is, to control the amount and speed of running, so that my feet are not sore the next day. If it is sore, reduce the amount of the next run or take a break.

I don't really struggle with running parameters, I just know that running to lose weight is a long-term and tough battle. In order to lose weight, I should insist on running every morning, and the longer I stick to it each time, the better. Ensuring that knees and ankles are not injured is the most important prerequisite for running every morning.

Heart rate is something that I understand as a post-80s generation, as long as I can chat normally during running, this is my best heart rate.

3. Running should be scientific. I, a post-80s generation, pay attention to the running god in Toutiao, learn scientific running knowledge, and improve my running methods.

Warm-up is the most important thing. Warm up before running and stretch after running.

Recently, I've learned that running requires core strength, especially for a disciplined runner like me who always wants to run for an hour every morning. This is the lesson I learned from running in Buddhism, and my back pain has been bothering me for almost 2 months.

My strength training is 20 arm strength exercises, 40 push-ups as a group, and 3 sets a day. It will be added later depending on the situation.

Is it better to run a few kilometers a day in the morning?
Is it better to run a few kilometers a day in the morning?

4. If you want to run to achieve the effect of fat loss, you still need to be assisted by diet control. As a post-80s generation, I think diet control is more important than running.

My diet is to eat less staple foods such as rice, eat more whole grains, drink more milk, cereal, and drink more water.

Is it better to run a few kilometers a day in the morning?


The plan of the day is in the morning. Running 5 kilometers in the morning is as easy as that. Everybody's here for a run.

Is it better to run a few kilometers a day in the morning?


I'm @Morning Running Self-disciplined Ade, like my post-80s article, welcome to leave a message, like, share, forward, collect and follow.