
Intestinal obstruction requires water and hunger strike, intestinal blockage, how to dredge intestinal obstruction, and there are many doorways for intestinal obstruction treatment

author:Dr. Wang talks about health

A normally healthy elderly man suddenly faces severe abdominal pain, accompanied by persistent vomiting, a condition that can cause panic in anyone. His family rushed him to the nearest hospital, where doctors diagnosed him with an intestinal obstruction. This is not only a medical emergency, but also a potentially life-threatening situation that can have very serious consequences if not addressed immediately. This is not uncommon, but it often leads to serious health problems due to poor identification or mistreatment. Therefore, it is important to understand the types of intestinal obstruction, its causes, and its emergency treatment.

Intestinal obstruction requires water and hunger strike, intestinal blockage, how to dredge intestinal obstruction, and there are many doorways for intestinal obstruction treatment

Types and Causes of Intestinal Obstruction: Unraveling the Mystery of Intestinal Blockage

Mechanical obstruction: when the intestine encounters a physical obstruction

Mechanical intestinal obstruction is an obstruction of the transport of intestinal contents due to a physical obstacle in or on the intestinal wall. Such barriers may include:

Volvulus: The intestinal part rotates around its axis, resulting in insufficient blood supply and tissue necrosis.

Adhesions: Usually after abdominal surgery, fibrous bands may form between tissues, causing traction or squeezing of the intestines.

Intussusception: Part of the intestine slides into adjacent parts, overlapping like a telescope.

Bezoars, gallstones: Lumps or gallstones that are not completely digested from food can become stuck in the intestines.

Tumors: Benign or malignant tumors can compress the intestine and affect its function.

These factors not only cause pain and discomfort, but can also cause further complications in the intestines, such as infection and perforation.

Intestinal obstruction requires water and hunger strike, intestinal blockage, how to dredge intestinal obstruction, and there are many doorways for intestinal obstruction treatment

Functional obstruction: an invisible intestinal challenge

Functional intestinal obstruction, also known as paralytic intestinal obstruction, is a movement disorder due to nerve or muscle dysfunction in the intestines. The main reasons for this include:

Postoperative bowel reactions: A common slowing or pause of bowel movements after surgery is called paralytic intestinal obstruction.

Electrolyte imbalances: An imbalance of potassium, calcium, or magnesium can interfere with the normal movement of the intestines.

Endocrine problems: Hypothyroidism such as hypothyroidism may slow down bowel movements.

Identifying these types of intestinal obstruction is essential to develop an appropriate treatment plan. Mechanical and functional obstruction, although treated differently, require prompt and accurate diagnosis and intervention.

Intestinal obstruction requires water and hunger strike, intestinal blockage, how to dredge intestinal obstruction, and there are many doorways for intestinal obstruction treatment

Water hunger strike: the first step in treating intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction occurs when the intestine is partially or completely blocked, preventing food and fluids from passing through properly. In such cases, doctors usually recommend a water and hunger strike as an initial treatment. Not only does this reduce the burden on the intestines, but it also helps to reduce food residue that can cause further inflammation or infection.

Rationale and mechanism

When an intestinal obstruction occurs, continuing to eat increases intestinal contents, causing more pressure to accumulate in an already blocked area. This pressure not only exacerbates the pain, but can also lead to damage or even perforation of the intestinal wall. A dehydration hunger strike can temporarily stop the accumulation of intestinal contents, reduce the pressure in the intestines, and create conditions for subsequent treatment.

Implementation process

In a hospital setting, a water and hunger strike is usually accompanied by intravenous fluids to maintain the patient's fluid and electrolyte balance. Doctors adjust the fluid regimen to the patient's specific condition to ensure that basic physiological needs are met without burdening the bowel.

Intestinal obstruction requires water and hunger strike, intestinal blockage, how to dredge intestinal obstruction, and there are many doorways for intestinal obstruction treatment

Bowel unblocking strategies: non-surgical versus surgical approaches

When the intestinal obstruction cannot be effectively resolved by conservative treatments such as a water cut and hunger strike, doctors need to take more direct measures to unblock the bowel.

Non-surgical dredging

Medications: The use of intestinal motility drugs such as metoclopramide (metoclopramide) can stimulate bowel motility and help push intestinal contents through the blocked area.

Intestinal decompression: Inserted into the intestine through a nasoenteric tube for decompression, it can effectively draw out the gas and liquid accumulated in the intestine, reduce internal pressure, and relieve symptoms.

Intestinal obstruction requires water and hunger strike, intestinal blockage, how to dredge intestinal obstruction, and there are many doorways for intestinal obstruction treatment

Surgical dredging

In some cases, nonsurgical treatment may not be effective in resolving the problem, or surgical intervention may be required because of a tumor, severe inflammation, or volvulus at the site of obstruction. Surgical options include:

Exploratory laparotomy: Look directly at the bowel to find out the exact location and cause of the obstruction.

Intestinal repair or resection: Repair or necessary removal of a damaged or diseased section of the intestine to reattach a healthy part of the intestine.

Recovery & Management

The recovery period after surgery is key, and it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's instructions for dietary management. Liquid foods may be required initially, with a gradual transition to semi-solid and normal foods. In addition, regular follow-up and appropriate lifestyle modifications are important measures to prevent future obstruction.

Through the above measures, the treatment of intestinal obstruction can be more systematic and scientific. A water hunger strike is the first step in alleviating symptoms and preparing for further treatment, while the choice of bowel clearance method depends on the cause and severity of the obstruction.