
The female anchor of Douyu "A Small Tuantuan" confirmed her arrest, and the CEO of Douyu was released on bail pending trial

author:Zealous magpie tNU

Introduction: The live broadcast industry has always been changing, however, a recent gambling case involving Douyu CEO Chen Shaojie has shaken the entire industry! In addition to the arrest of the CEO, a large number of head anchors have stopped broadcasting, and the company's market value has evaporated rapidly. Let's uncover this event that has attracted the attention of the whole industry and see what kind of future the live broadcast platform will usher in!

The female anchor of Douyu "A Small Tuantuan" confirmed her arrest, and the CEO of Douyu was released on bail pending trial

Chen Shaojie's background: Chen Shaojie, a Jinan guy who has been obsessed with games since he was a child, founded Douyu, a game live broadcast giant, with his love for games and unremitting efforts. However, behind his success lies a huge storm.

Details of Chen Shaojie's involvement: In November 2023, Chen Shaojie was arrested by the Chengdu police on suspicion of opening a casino. As soon as this news was exposed, it immediately aroused widespread concern and heated discussions in the society.

The female anchor of Douyu "A Small Tuantuan" confirmed her arrest, and the CEO of Douyu was released on bail pending trial

Anchors collectively stopped broadcasting: With the outbreak of the Chen Shaojie incident, a large number of Douyu's head anchors announced that they would stop broadcasting, including the anchor "Xiaotuantuan" with high commercial value. This series of suspension events not only caught fans off guard, but also made people in the industry sigh.

The female anchor of Douyu "A Small Tuantuan" confirmed her arrest, and the CEO of Douyu was released on bail pending trial
The female anchor of Douyu "A Small Tuantuan" confirmed her arrest, and the CEO of Douyu was released on bail pending trial

Details of the anchor's involvement: Not only Chen Shaojie, but also the well-known Douyu anchor "Xiaotuantuan" is also rumored to be suspected of gambling, which is related to the Chen case. This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for its huge fan base.

The female anchor of Douyu "A Small Tuantuan" confirmed her arrest, and the CEO of Douyu was released on bail pending trial

Douyu's revenue declines: The Chen Shaojie incident has had a huge impact on Douyu's business, and the company's monthly active users and paying users have continued to decline, and the company's profitability has been seriously challenged.

Stock price plummeted: Douyu's market value fell all the way, the stock price plummeted, and the market reacted strongly. Investor confidence has taken a severe hit, and companies face significant challenges.

Anchors: After the Chen Shaojie incident, many top anchors left Douyu and switched to other platforms, and the company faced the dilemma of talent loss and damage to its brand image.

The female anchor of Douyu "A Small Tuantuan" confirmed her arrest, and the CEO of Douyu was released on bail pending trial
The female anchor of Douyu "A Small Tuantuan" confirmed her arrest, and the CEO of Douyu was released on bail pending trial

Industry reflection: The Chen Shaojie incident has triggered a reflection on the entire live broadcast industry, promoted new requirements for platform management and anchor supervision, and promoted the standardized development of the industry.

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