
What changes will occur in the body of people who often eat barley and lentil porridge?

author:Lao Li Health said

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In a small clinic in the downtown area, Dr. Huang is busy sorting out medical records.

Suddenly, an old customer, Mrs. Chen, walked in and said with a smile: "Dr. Huang, since you recommended me to eat barley lentil porridge last time, I feel much more relaxed, this thing is really a good thing!"

What changes will occur in the body of people who often eat barley and lentil porridge?

Lady Chan is a retired librarian who has been struggling with her health problems, especially arthritis and edema. Dr. Huang once recommended barley lentil porridge to her, as this porridge is believed to have good health effects in traditional Chinese medicine.

Coix seed, or coix seed, is commonly used to treat edema and strengthen the spleen and stomach. Lentils are well-known as a diuretic and also help strengthen the spleen and stomach. When these two ingredients are combined, their effect is like a body clean, not only to remove dampness, strengthen the spleen, but also reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

What changes will occur in the body of people who often eat barley and lentil porridge?

Barley contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B complex, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc., which have a significant effect on maintaining bone health and improving immunity.

Lentils are rich in dietary fiber and protein, which can not only promote intestinal health, but also help control blood sugar to a certain extent.

What changes will occur in the body of people who often eat barley and lentil porridge?

In addition, both barley and lentils have very good anti-inflammatory properties. This is especially important for older people like Mrs. Chen, who tend to have an increased inflammatory response as they age, which is directly linked to the development of many chronic diseases.

"Doctor Huang, I have insisted on having a bowl of barley lentil porridge every morning and evening, and now not only are my feet not so swollen, but even walking is much easier. However, I would like to ask, will there be any side effects of taking this thing for a long time?"

What changes will occur in the body of people who often eat barley and lentil porridge?

Doctor Huang smiled and replied, "Aunt Chen, you asked a very good question. Both barley and lentils are very safe ingredients, and their side effects are relatively minor.

However, there are two sides to everything, and long-term excessive consumption of barley seeds may lead to body chills, especially when the weather is cold. If you feel some discomfort, such as diarrhea or cold abdominal pain, you can reduce the intake of barley seeds in moderation, or add some ginger slices when cooking porridge to moderate its properties.

What changes will occur in the body of people who often eat barley and lentil porridge?

This explanation reassured Mrs. Chen, who thanked Dr. Huang for his advice and decided to continue to adjust her diet according to the doctor's instructions. Her experience has also been passed on through word of mouth among friends and neighbors, bringing more attention to this simple but effective traditional diet method.

Through Dr. Huang's promotion and the actual experience of patients, the traditional health porridge of barley lentil porridge has gradually become a healthy food for the local community. In this process, Dr. Huang also continued to collect relevant clinical data to evaluate the practical effect of barley lentil porridge with a more scientific attitude.

What changes will occur in the body of people who often eat barley and lentil porridge?

After a period of observation and data collection, Dr. Huang found that patients who had consumed barley lentil porridge for a long time not only experienced significant relief in arthritis symptoms, but also showed positive improvements in their blood lipid and blood sugar levels. These data are well documented and used to further study the modern medical value of this traditional food therapy.

However, as the popularity of barley lentil porridge increases, more and more people are becoming concerned about its potential problems.

What changes will occur in the body of people who often eat barley and lentil porridge?

On a sunny afternoon, a middle-aged male patient named Mr. Lin raised his doubts in the clinic: "Dr. Huang, I recently started trying barley lentil porridge and it really feels good. But I'm a little worried, I have a history of diabetes, and I've heard that the sugar content of barley is still a bit high, is it safe for me to eat it for a long time?"

After listening to this, Dr. Huang explained the problem in detail: "Although barley is a healthy ingredient, it does contain certain carbohydrates. Lentils play a balancing role, though.

What changes will occur in the body of people who often eat barley and lentil porridge?

Lentils are rich in protein and dietary fiber, which can help slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and thus control the rapid rise in blood sugar. Moreover, the glycemic index of barley is relatively low, and it will not raise blood sugar as quickly as some foods with high sugar value. ”

He continued: "Of course, volume and frequency control are still very important for people with diabetes. I suggest that you can include barley lentil porridge as part of your diet, not all of it.

What changes will occur in the body of people who often eat barley and lentil porridge?

It can be consumed 2-3 times a week, no more than a small bowl at a time. Also, keep in touch with your dietitian to adjust your portion based on your blood glucose monitoring results. ”

Such conversations are a common occurrence in Dr. Huang's clinic. Through communication with patients, Dr. Huang not only helped them solve specific health problems, but also conveyed the importance of correct health information and lifestyle.

What changes will occur in the body of people who often eat barley and lentil porridge?

The patients have also gradually learned how to better use traditional diet therapy and modern medicine knowledge in their daily lives, creating a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their families.

What do you think about eating barley lentil porridge? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

What changes will occur in the body of people who often eat barley and lentil porridge?

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