
Deeply cultivate customer management, Fude Life Insurance, explore differentiated service competitiveness

author:Financial Bulletin

After nearly 40 years of rapid growth, the insurance industry in mainland China is moving towards a stage of high-quality development, with an annual growth rate of more than 20% gradually gone.

The transition from the traditional "product-oriented" to "customer-oriented" is both a pain point and an opportunity. A few days ago, Fude Life Insurance held the release ceremony of the "Fude Pension, Better Life" health care project and the unveiling ceremony of the first customer experience hall in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, announcing that the home-based elderly care track has added more entrants, and also shows that the company's implementation of the "customer-centric" strategy and the innovative service system built by relying on the "two transformations" have entered a new stage of development.

From policy lifecycle services to customer life-cycle services

At present, the customer service of major domestic insurance companies is more based on insurance policies, such as health value-added services, which are mainly reflected in the health management provided by customers in the process of purchasing and holding insurance policies. As the life of the policy enters the second half of the life, the insurance company gradually withdraws, and the customer's follow-up pension and care needs are undertaken by hospitals and pension institutions.

However, long-termism is engraved in the insurance company's DNA, and Fude Life is committed to being a "friend of time" with its customers. In the previous health management service upgrades, extending the service time has also been the focus, from the earliest underwriting to provide 3 years of service, and gradually upgrade to the service time is not shorter than the policy payment period, with a longer companionship, so as to avoid customers' worries.

The launch of the "Better Life" health care project this time is a solid step towards the full life cycle service of customers. For the first time, the project extended the service period to life, and customized the exclusive service of "Fude Butler" for the brand pension "Xinxi Niannian" series products. The service objects not only include the policyholder himself, but also the insured and the policyholder's parents can also share, so as to realize the future plan of "one generation to buy, two generations to use".

The pension demand in the new era is not only pension, but also to meet the needs of customers for health management, medical care, home security, life services, cultural entertainment, social activities and other packages.

In terms of service design, "Good Life" is also customized according to the needs of the elderly. Comprehensive health management services such as active health follow-up, interpretation of physical examination reports, and private doctor consultation are the cornerstones of "Fude Butler" to meet the needs of the elderly for health prevention, medical medication and rehabilitation care. On this basis, services such as helping the elderly to take a taxi, helping to call for maintenance, and booking air tickets and hotels are aimed at the areas of daily life that are often ignored but have a great impact on the convenience of the elderly. In order to enrich the home care life of the elderly, the "Institute for the Elderly" will regularly invite famous experts in the fields of art, life and culture to launch a series of wonderful courses.

From "one policy to protect individuals" to the realization of full life cycle, all-round and whole-family insurance protection, Fude Life takes the "Better Life" health care project as a starting point, and actively explores the closed-loop integration of insurance, health and pension to make insurance services more valuable.

Shift from providing a guarantee to providing integrated solutions

As the needs of insurance customers become more and more diversified, how to resonate with customers and realize their wishes through personalized communication services and accurate customer demand forecasting has become an important issue for insurance companies.

Taking the critical illness scenario as an example, in addition to the claim payment, if the customer can be able to seek medical treatment smoothly and recover as soon as possible through medical assistance, follow-up and other services, it is also worth a thousand dollars for the customer.

Distinguished service, all in love. Fude Life actively responds to customer needs and provides comprehensive solutions including health management services to high-end customers. Since 2010, the company has launched a VIP club. In 2016, we expanded the three ultra-high-end customer levels of black diamonds, private diamonds and respected diamonds, and matched the sophisticated services. In 2021, the F+ customer system was released, and the number of high-end customers was expanded by more than 10 times. In 2023, the VIP service system will be renewed and upgraded again, closely following the core needs of high-end customers, and reconstructing nine services, including "exclusive physical examination", "birthday privileges", "travel privileges", "health care", "discharge transportation arrangements", "policy envelopes", "legal counsel" and "elite education", to provide customers with more warm insurance services. In terms of travel services, we arrange VIP lounges at airports and high-speed railways to provide VIP customers with rest space, and in terms of service details, we customize VIP policy envelopes to redress the policy and show a sense of exclusivity.

After 14 years of continuous improvement of services, Fude Life has now formed 9 high-end customer levels, which can provide a total of 42 services in four service series: "Courtesy Accompany" exclusive service, "Health Accompany" health service, "Peace of Mind Accompanying" assistance service, and "Intimate Accompanying" secretarial service. The scope of services covers health, travel, life and other fields, so as to achieve all-round accompaniment.

For a wider range of customers, Fude Life also provides health management services based on insurance products. The service aims to improve the health level of customers, and provides customers with a comprehensive management plan for the whole process before, during and after diagnosis. Online, customers can consult online at any time on the APP and mini program platform to complete the daily consultation of their own and their families' health. Offline, according to customer needs, we can help customers understand medical information faster and more accurately, and seek medical treatment smoothly.

"Creating customer value is the 'preference' of Fude Life's management. Fude Life has written 'customer-centricity' as the overall strategic goal into the company's development strategy, and has formulated relevant implementation measures. The company's management has repeatedly emphasized on internal and external occasions.

From macro strategy to micro implementation, Fude Life is also focusing on continuously promoting the upgrading of technology and services through a series of changes from thinking to action, improving the efficiency and temperature of insurance services, and creating differentiated competitive advantages by providing customers with comprehensive solutions and full life cycle services.

It is just a new starting point to develop the health care service track and start the "better life" health care project. Entering a new journey of Fude Life, Fude Life will continue to meet customer needs, improve customer experience, and win customer trust as the starting point and foothold of business management, so as to protect more customers against risks, protect health, and plan wealth.

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