
The magic of life: how to attract infinite possibilities with gratitude and let good things come naturally

author:Vanilla beads

Those who are grateful will be given more and become abundant. and he that is not thankful shall take away even what he has.

- Rhonda Byrne

When I was four years old, I missed my sister who went to school in my grandmother's village so much that I asked my mother to take me to my grandmother's house to see my sister, but my mother was not available, and I was so noisy that I couldn't do it, so I said that if you want to go, you can go by yourself. But I was only a little over four years old, and I was very thin and sickly, and my house was more than ten miles away from my grandmother's house.

But Sister Si was very heartfelt, and nothing could stop my determination to see my sister, so I put on the new clothes my mother made for me, and filled my mother's apricots in my pocket for two months, and I went on the road alone.

The magic of life: how to attract infinite possibilities with gratitude and let good things come naturally
[Hahaha, in my mother's words, no one stole children at that time, so rest assured. However, she also watched at the entrance of the village that I had walked three or four miles by myself, and only after entering another village that I could not see could be seen, she reluctantly went home. But in those days, work was more important than anything else. So, although my mother was not at ease, she didn't catch up with me and took me directly to my grandmother's house. 】
The magic of life: how to attract infinite possibilities with gratitude and let good things come naturally

Halfway through the small me, I was suddenly blocked by a ditch in front of me, and I couldn't cross it. At this time, an old woman who was watering the ground came over, and she asked me with concern, "Son, where are you going alone?" I said, "I am going to my grandmother's house." After asking my grandmother the name of the village, the old woman said, "It's so far away, can you go by yourself?" I said, "I miss my sister, I'm sure I can go." So the old woman carried me across the ditch. I happily went on the road, and finally met my sister, who had been thinking about it day and night.

It was the first time I can remember being cared for by a stranger, and my heart was filled with emotion and gratitude to that old woman. Since then, the seeds of gratitude have also been planted in my heart.

The magic of life: how to attract infinite possibilities with gratitude and let good things come naturally

However, it wasn't until today that I read Rhonda Byrne's "Magic" that I realized that I had inadvertently mastered the strongest energy in the universe, so I could always turn evil into good, and there were roads and bridges in every mountain. Although the journey of life has been full of hardships along the way, there are always miraculous difficulties.

It turns out that "gratitude is the most powerful way to transform your life because it changes your energy frequency and immediately begins to attract all the good things into your life." You know, under the busyness and pressure, we often ignore the small blessings in life, and those small and warm moments are the cornerstone of our happiness.

The magic of life: how to attract infinite possibilities with gratitude and let good things come naturally

And Rhonda Byrne's book "The Magic" is a guide on how to attract more positive change into our lives through gratitude. The book combines profound theory and practical exercises to help readers develop a state of gratitude that will improve their personal life experience.

Rhonda Byrne, one of the world's most influential people named by Time magazine, has inspired countless people with her books "Secret" and "Power". In Magic, she goes on to delve into the power of gratitude, guiding readers to discover and use it.

The magic of life: how to attract infinite possibilities with gratitude and let good things come naturally

"Magic" is a guide on how to attract more positive change into our lives through gratitude. The book combines profound theory and practical exercises to help readers develop a state of gratitude that will improve their personal life experience.

Rhonda Byrne mentions in "The Magic" that gratitude can change our mindset and free us from negative thinking to face life's challenges with a positive attitude. Gratitude also strengthens our social support system, and by expressing gratitude, we are able to deepen our relationships with others, which can lead to more help and resources.

The magic of life: how to attract infinite possibilities with gratitude and let good things come naturally

I didn't hesitate to bring homeless colleagues home for more than a month. This selfless help has not only allowed me to build deep friendships with my colleagues, but also made me believe that life will reward us in the same way when we treat others with gratitude. The book tells the story of a couple who successfully repaired their marriage on the verge of breakdown and regained the warmth of love by thanking each other for their existence and dedication every day. This coincides with my experience, which has made me deeply understand that gratitude can not only bring spiritual enrichment, but also bring us unexpected gains materially.

Rhonda Byrne mentions in the book that gratitude can make us appreciate the people and things around us more, it can improve our happiness, strengthen our relationships with others, and attract more positive experiences into our lives. This coincides with my experience, through a grateful attitude, I have not only gained friendship and trust in my relationships, but also received unexpected rewards in material terms.

The magic of life: how to attract infinite possibilities with gratitude and let good things come naturally

The book also gives specific practice methods, such as making a daily list of things worthy of gratitude, facing life's challenges with a grateful attitude, and using gratitude to improve our health, wealth, and relationships. These exercises help readers incorporate gratitude into their daily lives and make it a life-changing habit.

Growing up, I've also been grateful for every bit of kindness I've ever received. For example, when I meet bad people, I will be grateful to the elderly and children who pass by unintentionally, even though they have no idea that their unintentional passage saved me. In the past, when I rode a motorcycle to work, I would always be grateful to the driver who came across from me and immediately turned off the high beam. Every time I enter the mountain, I am extremely grateful to Li Baoguo, an agricultural scientist who turned all the barren mountains and bald mountains of Taihang Mountain into green mountains. Of course, not to mention those who have helped me immensely in my life, I will never forget their kindness and will always bless them.

The magic of life: how to attract infinite possibilities with gratitude and let good things come naturally

At the same time, I am trying to help others as much as I can. When I found that I had found more money to buy things, I had to send them back no matter how far away; my colleague was dismissed by the unit, and I did not hesitate to take her homeless home, and she lived for more than a month; when we picked up the driver's license, we sent it to others at our own expense; we went out to travel and picked up our wallets, and we waited for nearly two hours in the cold weather until the owner came back and returned it to others. Even if he is living in poverty, he has to work hard to support his classmates who are in difficulty, and he also donates a certain amount of money to orphans every month. It's not a lot, but I also want to let myself radiate the energy of good thoughts.

The magic of life: how to attract infinite possibilities with gratitude and let good things come naturally

Because of this, when I am in danger, there are always people who help me, intentionally or unintentionally. Moreover, I feel that although my life has not been rich and expensive, I have never been short of money, and I have never really worried about money. It's amazing that every time we encounter a hurdle, we feel that we are really short of money, such as the credit card repayment date, but we haven't made it up yet. Just when you are about to worry, it is likely that you will receive an extra income or a retroactive salary bonus, or you may not mention the lack of money to your relatives at all, and suddenly someone will give money. It's really amazing, because it's happened so many times.

The magic of life: how to attract infinite possibilities with gratitude and let good things come naturally

I believe that the reason why I have such good fortune is precisely because of the good karma that I have accumulated through my usual good deeds and gratitude. Of course, I will always be grateful to the old woman who carried me across the ditch, who planted the seeds of gratitude in my young heart.

Please believe that the power of gratitude is immense, and it can change our lives and make us happier and more successful.

【The Paper】Strength + Magic + Secret Rhonda Byrne's Law of Attraction Commemorative Edition Famous Trilogy ¥159 Buy

Let's start every day with a grateful attitude, let magic become the norm of our lives, and make life more exciting and rich.


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