
"Insect Story 2" exposed the pilot trailer, showing the microscopic world from the perspective of insects

author:Beijing News

Beijing News News On July 17, the "live action + CG" animated film "Insect Story 2 - Reinforcements from Afar", co-written and directed by Thomas Shobo and Helene Giro, exposed the pilot trailer, which showed a new microscopic world from the perspective of insects. The film will be released in China on August 23.

"Insect Story 2" exposed the pilot trailer, showing the microscopic world from the perspective of insects

At the beginning of the trailer, the insects pilot the balloon spaceship through the deep tree hole and come to the mysterious caterpillar holy land to find the caterpillar chief. Immediately after, a picture of the "sentient beings" of the microscopic world slowly unfolded - crabs stealing human food, red and black ants fighting for sugar, the praying mantis crisis encountered by ladybug father and son, and the little ladybug was in danger of cobwebs... The second half of the trailer shows a series of "natural and man-made disasters" such as natural enemies, bad weather, and chainsaws encountered by insects in the "journey". At the end, the little ladybug mistakenly fell into the flytrap trap due to foraging, but unexpectedly defeated the enemy with a "fart" and was able to escape.

"Insect Story 2" exposed the pilot trailer, showing the microscopic world from the perspective of insects

Stills from Insect Story 2.

"Insect Story 2" was created by the original team of the previous game, but this adventure is more extensive, from the icy France to the vibrant Caribbean rainforest, and the insects are engaged in a "sea, land and air" panoramic cross-ocean battle. At the same time, compared with the first big movie of "Insect Story", the variety of insects has increased significantly, deadly mantises, mysterious caterpillars, hungry crabs, terrifying spiders... It shows the biological diversity of the microscopic world of tropical archipelagos.

Beijing News Editor Xu Meilin Proofreader Li Lijun

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