
U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

author:World Monuments

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Since 2024, the world situation has become more and more unstable, the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield still has no possibility of ending, and the Middle East region has fallen to the brink of the sixth Middle East war because of Israel's arrogance.

The overstretched military force has put the United States in a dilemma of having to mobilize mobile forces from the Western Pacific to fight fires everywhere.

But even so, the United States does not know whether it is weak-minded or has another purpose, and even makes ruthless remarks.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander Aquilino bluntly said: Once China attacks Taiwan, the U.S. military will strike China's rocket force at all costs, thereby destroying China's nuclear forces in one fell swoop.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

Does the United States really have that strength? What do they really want to do?

China's nuclear forces

Although the wild remarks of the US Indo-Pacific commander are somewhat ridiculous, they also reflect the nuclear strike strength of a continent's rocket force, which makes Americans very jealous.

How strong is the nuclear strike capability of the Continental Rocket Forces?

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

Judging from the information disclosed by the official authorities so far, China is one of the few countries in the world that has the capability of a three-in-one nuclear strike on land, sea and air.

The nuclear strike force of the Continental Rocket Force consists of three parts: land-based strategic missile forces, airborne strategic bombers, and underwater strategic nuclear submarines.

As China's earliest nuclear strike force, the land-based strategic missile force is undoubtedly China's artifact.

At present, there are two main ways to project land-based nuclear forces: silo launch and vehicle-mounted launch.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

Beginning in the 80s of the last century, the mainland began to build silos in the northwest region, and it was equipped with the "Dongfeng-5" series, the mainland's earliest nuclear strike force.

As an intercontinental missile with an initial range of 9,000 kilometers, the DF-5 uses a liquid fuel to drive a rocket engine.

Thanks to the advantages of liquid fuel, the DF-5 has the advantages of large load and specific impulse.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

As a result, its subsequent modifications, both in terms of bomb load and range, have been greatly improved.

In the 2019 National Day parade, the range of the improved DF-5B has been increased to about 12,000 km to 15,000 km, and it can carry 3-5 sub-guided multiple warheads at the same time.

Strategic nuclear strike and deterrence capabilities have been significantly strengthened.

But there are drawbacks to the use of liquid fuel in the engine.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

That is, the high toxicity and corrosiveness of liquids make the addition or replacement of fuels cumbersome and require the help of large-volume equipment.

This greatly reduces its wartime concealment and survivability, and can easily be destroyed in the first round of enemy nuclear strikes.

Therefore, the mainland began to vigorously develop solid-fuel missiles in the future.

Today, the DF-31 and DF-41, which are the mainland's main nuclear deterrents, are examples of this.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

The new Dongfeng series, which has been replaced with solid fuel, has the advantages of storage resistance, easy maintenance, and fewer combat management personnel required.

The implication is that the wartime survivability of the DF-31 and DF-41 has been greatly enhanced, thus strengthening the mainland's secondary nuclear counterattack capability.

The capability of a secondary nuclear counterattack is a key link in strategic nuclear deterrence.

In order to ensure survival and conceal tracks, the mainland's land-based missile units have also used vehicle-mounted mobile modes.

In peacetime, it hides in an underground air defense tunnel to avoid reconnaissance by US spy satellites.

In wartime, tunnels are opened to do non-stop maneuvers on the highway to ensure their own survival.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

In addition to the land-based strategic missile forces, the mainland's nuclear strike forces from the air and under the water should not be underestimated.

At present, the mainland's air nuclear deterrence mission is mainly undertaken by the "H-6 family."

The latest H-6 series has a maximum range of 8,000 kilometers, and the range can be further increased to more than 11,000 kilometers after in-flight refueling.

With cruise missiles with a range of more than 2,000 kilometers, its nuclear strike capability is enough to cover the whole world.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

However, objectively speaking, in the face of the powerful air defense system of the United States, it is still difficult for the H-6 to penetrate the defense alone in the absence of air supremacy.

Therefore, if the mainland wants to further enhance its airborne nuclear strike capability, a new stealth bomber is indispensable.

Under water, after years of development, the mainland has also developed a nuclear strike force with the 094 family as the middle.

The Julang-2 series of submarine-launched ballistic missiles it is equipped with, and it is also a weapon of mass destruction that the mainland directly threatens the US mainland.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

Of course, the biggest threat to the mainland's strategic nuclear submarines still comes from the blockade of the island chain composed of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, and other US chess pieces.

This will trap the mainland's nuclear submarines and greatly limit the mainland's underwater nuclear deterrence capability.

On the whole, the mainland's three-in-one nuclear strike system of land, sea and air is extremely powerful.

It is not surprising that the Americans want to be the first to destroy the Rocket Army.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

But do they really have the strength?

China's anti-missile system

When it comes to US missile attacks, we have to mention the continental anti-missile air defense system.

First, let's understand the fundamentals of missile interception.

To put it simply, the trajectory of an ICBM can be divided into three main stages.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

It is not difficult to see from the missile's flight trajectory that the only way to intercept the missile is to find a way in the middle section.

This is because at the stage of the missile's lift-off, its flight range is within the territory of the launching country, and the target is not clear.

In the terminal strike phase, the interception task is also very difficult.

Due to the fact that the re-entry missile is falling from an area hundreds of kilometers above the ground.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

In addition to the thrust of its own engine, it also has great potential energy.

This allows for an extremely high flight speed during the terminal strike phase.

For example, the mainland's Dongfeng series often has a terminal speed of more than Mach 10, and if you want to intercept it, you need an interceptor missile with a speed of more than Mach 20.

It is simply not possible with the current technology of mankind.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

In addition, the reaction time of the terminal strike phase is less than two minutes, and the interception window is too small, resulting in a low tolerance rate and too high risk.

In this way, the mid-course interception of the reaction window of twenty or thirty minutes has become the key to the anti-missile.

Since 2010, in order to build an anti-missile system, the mainland has conducted six mid-course anti-missile tests, and all of them have been successful.

In particular, in 2021, 2022 and 2023, the mainland has successfully conducted three consecutive mid-course anti-missile tests.

It is enough to prove the strength of the continental anti-missile system.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

At present, the mainland has a number of major anti-missile missiles with excellent performance.

For example, the Hongqi-19 is benchmarked against the US Standard-3, the Hongqi-29 is benchmarked against the US Patriot 3, and the DN-2/3 is benchmarked against the US GMD series.

The above air defense missiles constitute a complete system of interception outside the continental atmosphere, inside the atmosphere and at the edge, as well as at the end.

In addition, in recent years, the mainland has also vigorously developed infrared early warning satellites and large-scale land-based detection radars, and has built a complete set of anti-missile systems from detection to tracking to guidance.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

Under such an air defense system, the United States wants to destroy the nuclear strike force of our army, which is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

China's industrial advantages

On the other hand, the remarks that the United States will take the lead in destroying the mainland's nuclear strike force also reflect its lack of confidence in defeating China.

The reason why the United States lacks such confidence is not only the shadow left by the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, but also the huge gap in industrial strength between the two countries.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

In terms of power generation, steel production, industrial output and other important indicators, China has a strong advantage over the United States many times.

As a direct result, there is a huge gap between the two countries' current military production capacity and potential war potential.

Taking the current military production strength as an example, in order to support Ukraine, the United States has almost exhausted all the stocks of the NATO bloc within a year after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

And the current military production capacity of the United States cannot keep up with the needs of the war in Ukraine.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

As a result, in 2023, the United States began to borrow ammunition from its allies.

The borrowing of 400,000 rounds of 155mm howitzer shells from Israel and the borrowing of 600,000 rounds from South Korea in two installments, of which 500,000 rounds are South Korea's strategic reserves for the Korean civil war.

China, on the other hand, has 33 capital shield ships and two aircraft carriers in the navy alone in the past decade, with military spending less than one-third of that of the United States and a ratio of GDP to Japan.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

"A French navy is launched every year" is the tip of the iceberg of China's current industrial strength.

Given the huge gap in industrial strength, it is understandable that the United States lacks the confidence to defeat China in a protracted war.

More critically, compared to China, which is focused on the Western Pacific, the global deployment of military forces by the United States has further led to the straining of its mobile forces.

With more than 60 percent of its mobile forces deployed in the Western Pacific region to contain China, the United States is now very weak in many parts of its global layout.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

For example, in the Eastern European region.

Although Ukraine has shown obvious decline, the United States still does not dare to turn the situation around.

This is both a sign that the United States fears that it will be drawn into a quagmire of war, and that it lacks the maneuverable forces in its hands to deliver.

In the Middle East, the weakness of the United States is becoming more and more apparent.

In the face of the blatant attack of the Houthis, the United States has so far not dared to launch a military attack against them, but can only adopt an attitude of appeasement and tolerate it.

U.S. Indo-Pacific Commander: Once China takes over Taiwan by force, the United States will destroy China's rocket force and nuclear arsenal

However, if a war really breaks out between China and the United States, China will inevitably vigorously assist Russia and anti-American forces in the Middle East.

Once the Russian army will completely defeat Ukraine or the Middle East coalition to encircle and suppress Israel, will there be room for appeasement for the United States?


The recovery of Taiwan is of immeasurable significance to the Chinese nation.

This is a historical trend that no force can stop.

The idea of the Americans to destroy the mainland's nuclear strike force through a sneak attack is as short-sighted as Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.


Chenyang. What is the United States anxious to counter hypersonic missiles[N]. Global Times,2022-07-22(008). DOI:10.28378/n.cnki.nhqsb.2022.006286.

China successfully implemented the test of land-based midcourse anti-missile interception technology[J].Market Outlook,2023(07):2.)

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