
Five lessons for the world


Lao Rongzhi and Fa Ziying, this two-person gang, killed a total of seven people before and after.

I found a video of Lao Rongzhi's criminal accomplice Fa Ziying in a shootout with the police in 1999, just the following one, shocking, click to take a look:

In fact, there are many useful lessons to be learned from this case.

Five lessons for the world

Lesson 1

Do not go to the residence of a strange woman

Lo Rongzhi and his boyfriend Fa Ziying (who was executed in 1999), kidnapping and killing people are basically the same routine: immortal jumping.

In other words, first Lao Rongzhi was in nightclubs and other places, looking for customers, and bringing them back to Lao Rongzhi's residence, and then, Fa Ziying suddenly "went home", "caught the traitor", kidnapped on the spot, extorted, and sometimes killed.

Among them, the first person killed by Lao Rongzhi and Fa Ziying: Xiong in Nanchang is this routine.

Xiong met Lao Rongzhi in a nightclub, coveted her beauty, followed her back to her residence, and was full of joy to do indescribable things, but what awaited him was the fate of being killed.

So those of us who eat melons, we must remember: don't go to the residence of a strange woman.

There is also a victim in Hefei, surnamed Yin, who also met Lao Rongzhi in a nightclub, and also followed Lao Rongzhi back to her residence, so he was robbed and killed by Fa Ziying.

Liu from Changzhou also met Lao Rongzhi in the song and dance hall, this person was worried about Lao Rongzhi's hue, and always wanted to do indescribable things with her, so after knowing Lao Rongzhi, Liu tried every means to go to Lao Rongzhi's residence.

As a result, it was also at Lao Rongzhi's residence that Liu was kidnapped and robbed by Fa Ziying, but Liu's wife took money to ransom people and begged bitterly, Fa Ziying didn't know where she came from that day, she didn't kill Liu, and said to Liu: "Your life was given by your wife!"

In fact, long before killing the first person (Nanchang Xiong), Lao Rongzhi and Fa Ziying committed crimes in the way of "fairy jumping" many times: seducing the man to a hotel room and committing a robbery, with countless victims. These are all confessed by Fa Ziying after being arrested, those victims who don't know their names, because their "hunting" is not glorious in itself, so they were robbed and robbed, and most of them did not report the case.

In fact, the ancients have long told us: there is a knife on the head of the color character.

Men are the most stupid and the least vigilant when they are lustful. Therefore, we need to strengthen our learning and learn lessons from these deceased victims: don't have a relationship with a strange woman, don't go to a hotel with a strange woman, don't go on a date, don't go to a strange woman's residence, in short, unsafe sex, don't ask for it. Xiong, Yin...... These people have used their lives to teach us a bloody lesson.

Especially the "date" article, now many college students, young men who are not deeply involved in the world, like to do this kind of thing, but in fact, this thing is very dangerous, you haven't encountered the fairy jump for the time being, that's just your luck, but you won't always be lucky, so, this kind of thing, we recommend not to do it.

Five lessons for the world

Lo Rongzhi

Lesson 2

Showing off your wealth will lead to death

Showing off wealth will lead to death, this lesson has long been warned to us by the ancients, but many people have not listened.

Lao Rongzhi has been committing crimes for many years, and an important method for her to choose a kidnapping target is to see if you are showing off your wealth. If you show off your wealth, it means that you are rich, so I will do everything possible to kidnap you.

For example, the first man killed by Lao Rongzhi and Fa Ziying: Xiong, died showing off his wealth.

When Xiong was spending in a Nanchang nightclub, he chose Lao Rongzhi to accompany him, and during the chat, Xiong told Lao Rongzhi: He is the general manager of an air-conditioning sales company, and in addition, he also runs a big hotel, so Lao Rongzhi thinks: Xiong is rich, so after discussing with Fa Ziying, he locked Xiong.

A few days later, Xiong was killed.

And Yin, who was killed in Hefei, is ridiculous when it comes to it, this Yin is actually not rich, but he pretends to be rich everywhere, drives luxury cars everywhere, and in nightclubs, he pulls out a lot of packs of Chinese cigarettes, and the tone of his speech, half of the sentence is that Lao Tzu has money, all of this was seen by Lao Rongzhi, and was locked by Lao Rongzhi and Fa Ziying as the target of kidnapping, and finally Yin Mou also died.

Since Yin is not rich, why should he pretend to be rich? The answer is: When Yin goes to the sea to do business, he needs to pretend to be "powerful" in the social arena, which is conducive to business.

The details of these cases, we savor them today, and it is really embarrassing.

The deceased is gone, in short, we all have to remember: don't flaunt your wealth. It's going to die.

Five lessons for the world

Lo Rongzhi was put on trial

Lesson three

Be wary of those working in the grey industry

We must be vigilant against people engaged in gray industries in society and try to keep a distance.

Let's go back and summarize that the industries that Lao Rongzhi has done the most are nightclub desk ladies and bar escorts.

When Lao Rongzhi was arrested in 2019, she worked as a salesperson in a shopping mall, because she was 45 years old, old and decrepit, and couldn't run a nightclub anymore, so she could only work as a salesperson.

Back then, when Lao Rongzhi was working in nightclubs and bars, her bosses and colleagues never dreamed that Lao Rongzhi was kidnapping and murdering.

In the same way, how much do we know about the people we know, and how many things do we not know or think of?

Especially those people who are engaged in the gray industry in our society, their backgrounds are also mostly complex, and we can't see it with the naked eye alone.

The gray industries mentioned here include but are not limited to: nightclubs, saunas, baths, massages, debt collection, licensing, surrogacy, kidney exchange, blood sales, pyramid schemes, and those gray industries under the guise of financial foreign exchange...... And so on, this kind of gray industry.

Although not everyone in these industries is a bad person, you still have to be very careful when dealing with people in these gray industries, because in these industries, the probability of you meeting bad people is still quite high.

Therefore, we should keep our distance from this kind of people, and if there are people in your relatives and circle of friends who are engaged in this gray industry, then I suggest that you have to be basic vigilant about them.

Lesson 4

People cannot be disguised, and disguise can be very deep

There is another intriguing phenomenon in this case, that is: Lao Rongzhi can't tell that he is a bad person just by his appearance, and in fact, in life, Lao Rongzhi is still a very soft-spoken person.

Not only that, in his spare time, Lao Rongzhi also plays the piano, paints, and plays the violin, all kinds of literary and artistic styles, which simply blinds the eyes of the case-handling personnel.

Five lessons for the world

Lao Rongzhi, a young woman in literature and art who loves painting

Yes, Lao Rongzhi once again refreshed our vision: it turns out that those with beautiful eyebrows are not necessarily good people, those who speak softly are not necessarily good people, and those who play the piano, paint, and play the violin are not necessarily good people.

In fact, we have had similar experiences in our lives for a long time, when we used to turn our faces with people and have conflicts with people, we would often say things like this: I really didn't expect you to be such a person.

Yes, usually we need to spend a lot of time together, or work together for a long time, to see the true face of a person.

It is never easy to look at people, and we should be cautious in ordinary times.

Lesson five

It is necessary to remain vigilant against those who have been released from prison after completing their sentences

What few people know is: Lao Rongzhi's boyfriend and criminal partner Fa Ziying actually had a criminal record as early as when he was young.

As early as the age of 15, Fa Ziying was sent to labor re-education for robbery.

However, after the re-education through labor came out, Fa Ziying did not reform himself.

At the age of 17, Fa Ziying was sentenced to 8 years in prison for robbery and intentional injury.

When Lao Rongzhi was 19 years old, she met 29-year-old Fa Ziying at a friend's wedding, and she heard that Fa Ziying had "been in prison".

However, Lao Rongzhi's idea was just the opposite, she was 19 years old at the time, her three views were very crooked, she thought that Fa Ziying had been in prison, she was cool, and she was a man, so she had a kind of admiration for Fa Ziying from the bottom of her heart.

Then, the two of them got on well.

Later, the two began a career of cooperating to kidnap others.

In fact, this incident reminds us once again from one side: if we get acquainted with a person who has been released from prison in a social situation, then we still need to be cautious and vigilant, why? Because the bloody history tells us that it is usually difficult for bad people to become good.

Five lessons for the world

In the winter of 1999, Fa Ziying was escorted to the execution ground for a photo