
Qin Hailu was peeping at reading the novel of the boss? netizens shouted: Sister, buy a privacy film!



Qin Hailu meets the novel

The latest episode of the program "Flowers and Young Friends" was broadcast, and netizens paid the most attention not to the adventures of the stars, but to the episode of the eldest sister Qin Hailu waiting for someone at home. Qin Hailu was waiting for Wang Anyu and Hu Xianxu at home, and the time was a little long, and she began to read novels to pass the time.

Qin Hailu was peeping at reading the novel of the boss? netizens shouted: Sister, buy a privacy film!

The camera of the program team inadvertently captured the title of the novel, "His Royal Highness the War King, the Princess Went on the Expedition for You", a discovery that made netizens excited. It seems that the character of the eldest sister has been stabilized again, and it turns out that she is also one of those readers who are obsessed with the novels of the boss.

Qin Hailu was peeping at reading the novel of the boss? netizens shouted: Sister, buy a privacy film!

Netizens have said that they have found something in common with Qin Hailu, and such a resonance makes people laugh involuntarily. The comment area turned into a sea of joy, everyone was discussing the novel, and some people joked that Qin Hailu should buy a privacy film, because even if it was not released, her reading content was still "peeping" by everyone.

Qin Hailu was peeping at reading the novel of the boss? netizens shouted: Sister, buy a privacy film!

Qin Hailu's privacy film adventure

And netizens flocked to Qin Hailu's suggestion to buy privacy film, expressing their "concern" for her from all angles. Some netizens humorously said that Qin Hailu should really buy it this time, after all, it is really embarrassing for private reading to be seen by the public.

Qin Hailu was peeping at reading the novel of the boss? netizens shouted: Sister, buy a privacy film!

And some are ridiculing, they are all buying, buying, don't rush, as if this has become a movement for the whole people to participate in. Some even directed and acted in the scene of where to buy anti-privacy film for Qin Hailu, saying "Don't rush, don't rush", with an anxious kitten expression, which made the atmosphere more lively.

Qin Hailu was peeping at reading the novel of the boss? netizens shouted: Sister, buy a privacy film!

Whether this novel of "His Royal Highness the War King, the Princess Went on the Expedition for You" is really interesting has also become a hot topic for everyone.

Boss complex

Everyone knows that Qin Hailu is an actor with a domineering and exposed temperament in front of the camera, but in private, she has a girlish heart. Qin Hailu has created many strong roles in her career, but in this show, she shows a different side.

Qin Hailu was peeping at reading the novel of the boss? netizens shouted: Sister, buy a privacy film!

Netizens found that she likes to read Mr. Ba's novels, which may reveal a certain preference in her heart. This discovery sparked a heated discussion among netizens, and everyone expressed surprise, and at the same time felt that her contrast was very cute.

Qin Hailu was peeping at reading the novel of the boss? netizens shouted: Sister, buy a privacy film!

On social media, everyone shared their opinions on the novels, some said that they had the same hobby, and some were curious about whether Qin Hailu had a similar experience in real life.

Qin Hailu's "little girl" mentality


Qin Hailu's "small disclosure" undoubtedly added a lot of popularity, allowing fans to see a more real and down-to-earth side. In the light-hearted background of "Flowers and Young Friends", Qin Hailu's little secret has become a breath of fresh wind, adding more topicality to the show.

Qin Hailu was peeping at reading the novel of the boss? netizens shouted: Sister, buy a privacy film!

Although she always plays the role of those strong women who control the overall situation on the screen, this show makes the audience discover that even the domineering goddess has her own little taste. This contrast is not only relatable, but it also resonates with many viewers. In the comment section, many netizens began to share their interesting stories about secretly reading novels, and this topic quickly became an interesting social phenomenon.

Qin Hailu was peeping at reading the novel of the boss? netizens shouted: Sister, buy a privacy film!

A reunion of overlord lovers

In the end, after this episode of the show was broadcast, Qin Hailu unexpectedly became the idol of countless novel lovers. From the little secrets accidentally exposed in the show to the positive interactions of netizens, every detail depicts the small happiness of modern urbanites.

Qin Hailu was peeping at reading the novel of the boss? netizens shouted: Sister, buy a privacy film!

Everyone found common ground in laughter and narrowed the distance between each other in the discussion. This originally ordinary waiting, because of a small exposure, allowed Qin Hailu to establish a more intimate connection with the audience.

Qin Hailu was peeping at reading the novel of the boss? netizens shouted: Sister, buy a privacy film!

And for those netizens who are anxious to recommend Qin Hailu to buy privacy film, their ridicule also adds a lot of fun to this unexpected "reunion". This time, not only Qin Hailu's "character design" has been consolidated, but the market segment of the boss novel has also unexpectedly gained more attention.

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