
The boss is completely anxious! The small card is absent, the Clippers beat the Mavericks, and Harden Wei sparked heated discussions after the game

author:Wisboo knows the ball

今天‬快船主场vs独行侠。 小卡的状态依然是膝盖发炎,直到赛前1个小时‬,泰伦卢才宣布:伦纳德确定缺席G1。

The boss is completely anxious! The small card is absent, the Clippers beat the Mavericks, and Harden Wei sparked heated discussions after the game

比赛‬首节‬快船依靠哈登和祖巴茨的出色发挥,撕开‬独行侠‬内线‬,以33-24领先对手。 次节一上来,快船多点‬开花‬,将领先优势扩大到18分。 之后哈登和威少带队打出一波15-2的进攻高潮,而独行侠方面运动战0进球,半场结束快船以56-30收尾‬。 In the second half, Irving went down to earth and scored 20 points on 8-of-8 shooting, but the score always hovered around 20. 末节,奈何‬分差‬太大‬,独行侠‬无力‬回天‬。 随着‬乔治‬最后‬2分‬打进‬,比赛‬彻底‬结束。 The Clippers beat the Mavericks 109-97 to get off to a good start in the playoffs.

Clippers starting this game: Harden, Mann, George, Coffey, Zubac. Mavericks: Doncic, Irving, Jones, Washington, Gafford

The boss is completely anxious! The small card is absent, the Clippers beat the Mavericks, and Harden Wei sparked heated discussions after the game


A completely unacceptable loss for Mavericks fans. 事情‬是‬这样的‬。 本场‬比赛独行侠‬与‬快船‬球员竟然‬没有‬一个‬能‬对的‬上‬。 就连‬一直‬引以为傲‬的‬加福德‬(独行侠‬通过‬补强‬加福德‬后‬,球队‬战绩‬18胜‬1负‬)‬,开局‬瞬间‬被‬祖巴‬茨‬打懵‬,内线‬率先‬被‬撕开‬,被‬快船‬打了‬一个‬措手不及‬。 而且‬独行侠三分33中‬10,命中率仅有‬30%。 The Clippers shot 18-of-36 from three-point range, shooting 50 percent;

The boss is completely anxious! The small card is absent, the Clippers beat the Mavericks, and Harden Wei sparked heated discussions after the game

Irving is the only player the Mavericks want to win, and the most helpless. Both offensive and defensive ends are the most hard, 8 of 8 in the third quarter, scoring 20 points, but looking at the score is still more than 20 [cover face] [cover face], the most important thing is such a high efficiency, the fourth quarter actually had no ball, played 9 minutes back and forth.

Doncic, as the boss of the team, did not play any leading role in either offense or defense. Constantly complaining about the referee, defending with his eyes, being passed by Harden in various steps, missing three points. 本场东契奇‬26投11中,三分球12投4中,空砍33分13篮板6助攻1抢断。 ,值得‬一提:‬东契奇季后赛过去6场对快船均35.5分8.5板10助攻,取1胜5负。 数据‬挺好‬,赢不了‬球‬。

The boss is completely anxious! The small card is absent, the Clippers beat the Mavericks, and Harden Wei sparked heated discussions after the game


1. Harden dreamed of returning to the MVP period today! In the first half, he led by 22 points and Deng Ge scored 20 alone, helping Master Zubac Mann and others to open the offensive situation, and the defensive end was forced by many high-level players, all kinds of defensive changes, and there were two opposite fast attacks that were cut hats, it can be said that a lot of energy was spent on defense, but the data is really decent, but the performance on the court can't really be reflected in the data, today is really God, come on James Harden! Harden played 39 minutes, shooting 8-of-17 from the field and 6-of-11 from three-point range, finishing with 28 points, 2 rebounds, 8 assists and 2 blocks;

The boss is completely anxious! The small card is absent, the Clippers beat the Mavericks, and Harden Wei sparked heated discussions after the game

2.威少400万的薪资,打出4000万影响力!今天‬威少‬再次‬让人‬眼前‬一亮,攻防‬兼备‬,今天和登哥空接,又是熟悉的位置熟悉的溜底角,点燃全场。 感觉哈登缺的那一点精神属性也被少爷补齐了,希望今年能更进一步吧!威少‬全场8中5,三分4中2,得到13分4篮板4助攻2抢断;

The boss is completely anxious! The small card is absent, the Clippers beat the Mavericks, and Harden Wei sparked heated discussions after the game

3. George fully confirmed the unpredictable attributes (joke [covering face])!The first half only scored 5 points with a poor hand, and the 8 points in the final quarter extinguished the momentum of the Mavericks' chasing points, and the whole court gave people the feeling that there were a lot of balls, all of which were catching the pot, defusing the bomb, and there was no whistle, and the overall shooting rate of 40% was not low. George was 8-of-20 from the field, 4-of-12 from three-point range, and finished with 22 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists and 1 steal;

The boss is completely anxious! The small card is absent, the Clippers beat the Mavericks, and Harden Wei sparked heated discussions after the game

The boss celebrated excitedly


今天快船的实力都看在眼里,老板鲍尔默也很兴奋,今天的快船也是最有希望的一年!如果快船‬首轮能战胜独行侠的话,次轮将面对鹈鹕或者雷霆。 Both teams have big shortcomings. The Thunder are too young, have a weak interior defense, and don't have any playoff experience. The Pelicans are missing Zion, and Ingram has just made a comeback and is in poor form. All of this news is good news for the Clippers!

The boss is completely anxious! The small card is absent, the Clippers beat the Mavericks, and Harden Wei sparked heated discussions after the game

Leonard was unavailable due to injury

If Leonard can make a comeback, he will have no problem making it to the Western Conference Finals this year. I have to say that Xiaoka is really strong, but it is really too glassy, he played 50 regular season games last season and 2 injuries in the playoffs. If the rest of the schedule can't come back, Harden, Wei Shao, and George can't last long. 值得‬一提:快船过去14场季后赛,伦纳德缺席了12场

The boss is completely anxious! The small card is absent, the Clippers beat the Mavericks, and Harden Wei sparked heated discussions after the game

Harden angrily scolded black fans after the game!

Reporter: The Clippers without Leonard are not favored by the outside world in the slightest. But today you did a great job to win the game. You also got 28+8 stats today, will you continue to keep it up in the future?

Harden responded: I'm going to make it easier for my teammates. And when the team needs me, I can score...... It's not that we don't feel like we can't win without Leonard. No matter who plays, we're still confident and we know what kind of performance we can play.

Score chart:

The boss is completely anxious! The small card is absent, the Clippers beat the Mavericks, and Harden Wei sparked heated discussions after the game

Playoff matchup map:

The boss is completely anxious! The small card is absent, the Clippers beat the Mavericks, and Harden Wei sparked heated discussions after the game

The Clippers currently lead the Mavericks 1-0, although today is a big win, I still look forward to Leonard's return as soon as possible, otherwise the Clippers really can't pass the first round [covering their face]