
The Clippers and Lakers can't sit still at all! The Thunder 94-92 Pelicans won G1, and the Western Conference Clippers are coming

author:Wisboo knows the ball

今天‬NBA季后赛G1全部‬结束‬,排名西部第一的雷霆在主场仅以94-92险胜鹈鹕,拿到系列赛开门红。 这场比赛,让人们重新对这组系列赛进行审视,对鹈鹕‬、雷霆季后赛的实力,进行新的定位。 这场比赛的结局,显然对于快船‬、湖人的心态影响是最大的。 下面‬3大‬个重点‬!

The Clippers and Lakers can't sit still at all! The Thunder 94-92 Pelicans won G1, and the Western Conference Clippers are coming


Although the Thunder won this game, it exposed many problems. The Pelicans shot an outrageous 96-37, after all, they just finished the play-in game. What shocked me was that the Thunder had been resting for so long, and they were all young people, and they were embarrassed to play like this in the end, and finally played a wave of 18-2 to be overtaken by the Pelicans and almost lost the game.

The Clippers and Lakers can't sit still at all! The Thunder 94-92 Pelicans won G1, and the Western Conference Clippers are coming

The Pelicans were unlucky. Zion was reimbursed for the first two seasons due to injury, playing a total of 29 games. This season, I finally waited for a healthy Zion, but Ingram was injured and fell straight out of the playoffs. Zion was injured again in the play-offs...... And the most lethal thing is that even if Ingram comes back, he is still in poor shape, and he has no heart at all, not only did not help the team, but dragged the team back.

The Clippers and Lakers can't sit still at all! The Thunder 94-92 Pelicans won G1, and the Western Conference Clippers are coming


In yesterday's game, the Lakers tried their best to win the Nuggets, whether it was coaches, players, or lineup adjustments, they were almost extreme. Of course, there was a lot of gain, and we were able to take the lead in the first half. The Lakers' game against the Nuggets was like a movie, playing the same plot back and forth, simmering slowly in the first half and closing the juice in the second half. The Nuggets didn't even make much effort to complete a 9-game winning streak against the Lakers!

The Clippers and Lakers can't sit still at all! The Thunder 94-92 Pelicans won G1, and the Western Conference Clippers are coming

通过‬今天‬湖人‬与‬鹈鹕‬的‬比赛来看‬‬,首轮游和次轮、西决获得的收益是不一样的,光门票收入和收视率分成,足以让球队下一年愿意花钱继续补强冲一把。 Now the situation of the Lakers is that they know that there are tigers in the mountains and prefer to go to the tiger mountains. The next game against the Nuggets has no chance of winning, and at most they pray that the Nuggets will not be swept.

The Clippers and Lakers can't sit still at all! The Thunder 94-92 Pelicans won G1, and the Western Conference Clippers are coming


The Clippers had a very good win today. Here's the thing, in the absence of core member Leonard, Wei Shao, Harden, and George stood up at the same time and cut 60+ together. 快船依靠强大的防守让独行侠打出单节仅的8分的名场面!即使快船全队罚球仅有11次,而独行侠全队33次是快船整整3倍,其中‬独行侠‬末节三分钟便得到11次罚球,让‬很多‬球迷‬愤懑‬、震惊‬。 In the face of many huge injustices, the Clippers still won the victory in a crushing manner!

The Clippers and Lakers can't sit still at all! The Thunder 94-92 Pelicans won G1, and the Western Conference Clippers are coming

Leonard was injured and unavailable

首先‬是‬雷霆‬这种‬队伍‬内线‬不足‬、球员‬经验‬不足‬、射手‬不稳定‬,快船‬完全‬不惧怕‬。 其次‬是‬鹈鹕‬,快船‬怕的‬是‬完整‬的‬鹈鹕‬,现在‬锡安‬受伤‬、英格‬拉姆‬状态‬不佳‬,两‬个‬核心‬要不‬受伤‬,要不‬没状态‬,

Playoff matchup map:

The Clippers and Lakers can't sit still at all! The Thunder 94-92 Pelicans won G1, and the Western Conference Clippers are coming

All eight playoff games (G1) are currently over:

Yesterday: Lakers 103-114 Nuggets, Suns 95-120 Timberwolves, Magic 83-97 Cavaliers, 76ers 104-111 Knicks

Today: Green 114-94 Heat, Clothes 97-109 Clippers, Bucks 109-94 Pacers, Thunder 94-92 Pelicans

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