
In 1981, our army was preparing for an operation against Vietnam, and if it did, what would have been the outcome


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Looking back at that dusty period of history, we should all the more bear in mind the lessons and cherish the preciousness of peace. History tells us that war brings not only instant glory and victory, but also long-term pain and trauma. The blood and lives of those brave soldiers who died bravely are something we can never forget.

In 1981, our army was preparing for an operation against Vietnam, and if it did, what would have been the outcome

We should understand that war is never the best way to solve problems. Today, when peace and development have become the main themes of the times, we should adhere to the concept of peace, cooperation and win-win results, and resolve international disputes and conflicts through dialogue, consultation and negotiation and other peaceful means.

At the same time, we must also continuously strengthen our own national defense construction and enhance our country's comprehensive strength and international competitiveness. Only with a strong national defense force can we ensure the security and stability of the country and provide a solid guarantee for peaceful development.

In 1981, our army was preparing for an operation against Vietnam, and if it did, what would have been the outcome

In addition, we should strengthen the education and guidance of the younger generation, so that they can deeply understand the preciousness of peace and the cruelty of war. Through education, they will cultivate an international perspective and a spirit of cooperation, so that they will become a new generation of forces for world peace and development.

Looking to the future, we look forward to all countries in the world working together to build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world featuring lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. Let us learn from history, cherish peace, and work together to create a better future for mankind.

In 1981, our army was preparing for an operation against Vietnam, and if it did, what would have been the outcome

To sum up, although the 1981 plan for our army's action against Vietnam has not been implemented, the thoughtful and strategic considerations behind it are still of far-reaching significance. We have learned valuable lessons from this experience and strengthened our conviction in peaceful development. In the days to come, let us work together to maintain world peace and stability and write a new chapter in human development.

In 1981, our army was preparing for an operation against Vietnam, and if it did, what would have been the outcome