
The 53-year-old aunt insisted on practicing yoga every day, and after 2 years, she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised her: she did a good job!

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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In the center of a small city, a 53-year-old aunt named Chen Yufen is ordinary but not mediocre.

She is a warm-hearted supermarket cashier who has to deal with a wide variety of customers and goods every day, and despite the monotony of her work, she enjoys it. The norm of life for her was to repeat similar routines until she decided to start practicing yoga.

The 53-year-old aunt insisted on practicing yoga every day, and after 2 years, she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised her: she did a good job!

At first, Chen Yufen only practiced yoga to improve her rising blood pressure and stiff joints, but she soon discovered that yoga brought her more than just physical relief.

Every time she unfolds a pose on the yoga mat, the pressure in her heart and her daily worries seem to unfold with it. In the space of two years, she has grown from a beginner to a practitioner who can complete a full set of Vinyasa on her own.

The 53-year-old aunt insisted on practicing yoga every day, and after 2 years, she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised her: she did a good job!

Chen Yufen's enthusiasm for yoga is a bit overdone, and she often puts on a variety of complex yoga poses in the living room of her home, leaving visiting neighbors stunned.

Once, when she tried to do an "upside-down" pose, she accidentally broke her vase, and the vase fragments were splashed everywhere, and the water splashed, which was a hilarious and embarrassing scene.

The 53-year-old aunt insisted on practicing yoga every day, and after 2 years, she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised her: she did a good job!

Two years later, Chen Yufen went to the hospital for a routine physical examination, and the results made her ecstatic. The doctor was full of praise for the results of her examination and was even a little surprised at how well her body functioned well.

Chen's cardiovascular health has improved significantly, and her blood pressure and cholesterol levels have been well controlled. "Are all these changes brought about by yoga?" asked Chen Yufen curiously.

The 53-year-old aunt insisted on practicing yoga every day, and after 2 years, she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised her: she did a good job!

The doctor smiled and explained, "Actually, yoga is not only a physical exercise, but also a perfect combination of mind and body. It strengthens your heart and lungs, improves blood circulation, and also helps to reduce stress and promote balance in the endocrine system through the practice of various asanas. ”

The doctor then explained to her in detail the specific benefits of yoga for each of the body's systems.

The 53-year-old aunt insisted on practicing yoga every day, and after 2 years, she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised her: she did a good job!

Every point is true, so that Chen Yufen listens to it with relish. Every medical knowledge point told by the doctor is like opening a window, which makes Chen Yufen have a deeper understanding and respect for yoga.

In fact, yoga has influenced Chen Yufen far beyond her body, and it has even changed her social style and attitude towards life.

The 53-year-old aunt insisted on practicing yoga every day, and after 2 years, she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised her: she did a good job!

Chen began inviting her friends and neighbors to join her yoga practice, and her home gradually turned into a small yoga community. Her friends have also felt the benefits of yoga, and they share the joy of health together and move forward on the path of yoga together.

At the end of the story, after a yoga class, Chen Yufen suddenly thought of a question:

The 53-year-old aunt insisted on practicing yoga every day, and after 2 years, she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised her: she did a good job!

"Doctor, I now practice yoga every day, but I've heard that exercising too often can sometimes cause muscle fatigue and injury, is that true?"

The doctor replied earnestly, "Indeed it is." While yoga is a very gentle form of exercise, any form of exercise needs to be done in moderation. ”

The 53-year-old aunt insisted on practicing yoga every day, and after 2 years, she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised her: she did a good job!

To avoid overtraining, you can intersperse rest days between each yoga practice or try other types of low-impact exercise, such as walking or light aerobic exercise. This can help your muscles recover while maintaining your body's vitality. ”

Chen Yufen nodded in understanding and thanked the doctor for his advice. She decided to adjust her practice plan according to the doctor's advice and continue on the path of yoga in a healthy and happy way.

The 53-year-old aunt insisted on practicing yoga every day, and after 2 years, she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised her: she did a good job!

What do you think about the benefits of practicing yoga?

The 53-year-old aunt insisted on practicing yoga every day, and after 2 years, she went for a physical examination, and the doctor praised her: she did a good job!

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