
Is it right to eat more fruits with low sugar and high water? I should be glad to listen to it, is the doctor's warning true?

author:Lao Xu's medical science
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On this early summer morning, the air is already filled with the coming heat wave.

Is it right to eat more fruits with low sugar and high water? I should be glad to listen to it, is the doctor's warning true?

Zhang Xiaogang, a librarian who loves life, takes out a mat from the locker that has been dusty for a winter.

He carefully cleaned it and took it to the roof to dry.

The sun shines obliquely on the roof of the building, and the water droplets on the mattress sparkle in the sunlight, like small pearls.

Just as Zhang Xiaogang was enjoying the fruits of his labor, his neighbor, Uncle Wang, walked over slowly.

Is it right to eat more fruits with low sugar and high water? I should be glad to listen to it, is the doctor's warning true?

Lao Wang had just been discharged from the hospital, and he was still holding a letter from the doctor, which read: "Eating more fruits with low sugar and high water content is very beneficial to the body, and I hope you can remember this advice." ”

Uncle Wang and Zhang Xiaogang talked about the experience of being hospitalized.

It turned out that Lao Wang suffered from diabetes because of his long-term unhealthy eating habits.

Is it right to eat more fruits with low sugar and high water? I should be glad to listen to it, is the doctor's warning true?

The doctor emphasized that in addition to regular medication, dietary modification is an essential part.

Uncle Wang said with a smile that he was skeptical of these doctor's instructions, but he strictly followed the doctor's advice during his hospitalization, and found that his blood sugar was better controlled.

Zhang Xiaogang was deeply interested in this, especially the suggestion of "low-sugar and high-moisture fruits" recommended by doctors.

Is it right to eat more fruits with low sugar and high water? I should be glad to listen to it, is the doctor's warning true?

He decided to explore this area further to see if it was really as magical as Lao Wang experienced.

After some research, Zhang Xiaogang found that the high water content of such fruits such as watermelon, grapefruit and strawberry not only helps the body maintain water balance, but also promotes metabolism.

Especially on hot summer days, this fruit can help lower body temperature and provide the body with the water it needs without too much sugar burden.

Is it right to eat more fruits with low sugar and high water? I should be glad to listen to it, is the doctor's warning true?

What's more interesting is that Zhang Xiaogang found that long-term intake of fruits with low sugar and high water content can help control blood sugar levels for diabetic patients.

A study of more than 1,000 people with diabetes showed a significant positive correlation between the intake of these fruits and their blood sugar control.

Is it right to eat more fruits with low sugar and high water? I should be glad to listen to it, is the doctor's warning true?

Studies have shown that patients who consistently consume these fruits on a daily basis have significantly better levels of glycemic control than those who do not eat these fruits regularly.

In Lao Wang's actual experience, he mentioned that his weight has also decreased.

After further investigation, Zhang Xiaogang found that this is mainly because high-moisture fruits can increase satiety while providing fewer calories, thereby reducing the intake of other high-calorie foods.

Is it right to eat more fruits with low sugar and high water? I should be glad to listen to it, is the doctor's warning true?

Uncle Wang's case is not unique, Zhang Xiaogang learned of several other similar cases through doctors, many of which have significantly improved their health due to adjusting their eating habits.

Doctors also specifically mention the benefits of fiber in fruits for gut health, which is especially important for diabetics, as gut health is directly related to the digestion and absorption of food and the management of blood sugar.

Is it right to eat more fruits with low sugar and high water? I should be glad to listen to it, is the doctor's warning true?

After this series of exploration and learning, Zhang Xiaogang is even more convinced that a healthy lifestyle can indeed bring great benefits.

He even started organizing lectures on healthy eating in the library, advocating for more people to understand and practice this lifestyle.

At the end of the story, Zhang Xiaogang left a question: since low-sugar and high-water fruits have so many benefits for the body, how should we balance the intake of fruits and how to choose the right type of fruit in the modern diet?

Is it right to eat more fruits with low sugar and high water? I should be glad to listen to it, is the doctor's warning true?

To answer this question, we need to have an in-depth understanding of the nutritional content of different fruits.

In general, it is best to choose fruits that are low in sugar, high in fiber, and high in moisture.

For example, berries, citrus, and melons are all very good choices.

It's also important to know your health, such as diabetes or other conditions that require sugar restriction.

Is it right to eat more fruits with low sugar and high water? I should be glad to listen to it, is the doctor's warning true?

In addition, the diet should be well-organized, not just fruits, but the entire diet should be balanced to ensure that the body can get the necessary nutrients from a variety of foods, and not be overly dependent on one or several types of food.

In this way, we can enjoy not only delicious but also healthy.

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