
The eyes are always itchy, painful, and foreign body sensation, which may be the cause of conjunctivitis! Early detection, early treatment

author:Happy little doctor
The eyes are always itchy, painful, and foreign body sensation, which may be the cause of conjunctivitis! Early detection, early treatment
When your eyes are red and itchy, as if there are thousands of invisible worms crawling on them, you may be a captive of conjunctivitis. It's not unusual, a word that sounds so incomprehensible. Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is a common eye disease that affects our daily lives.

What is conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis, commonly known as "pink eye", is inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye caused by infection by external bacteria or viruses. The conjunctiva is a transparent film that covers the surface of the eyeball and has the effect of protecting and lubricating the eyeball. When the conjunctiva of the eye is invaded by pathogens, symptoms such as congestion, edema, increased secretions, and in severe cases, vision may be affected.

The eyes are always itchy, painful, and foreign body sensation, which may be the cause of conjunctivitis! Early detection, early treatment

Types of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis can be divided into several categories depending on the cause:

1. Bacterial conjunctivitis: usually caused by a bacterial infection, such as epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (commonly known as "trachoma").

2. Viral conjunctivitis: Many times it is associated with the common cold or respiratory viral infections, such as adenovirus infections.

3. Allergic conjunctivitis: Pollen, dust, and pet dander can be triggers when the seasons change.

4. Chemical conjunctivitis: Exposure to certain chemicals or fumes can cause this type of conjunctivitis.

The eyes are always itchy, painful, and foreign body sensation, which may be the cause of conjunctivitis! Early detection, early treatment

What are the symptoms of conjunctivitis?

1. Red Eyes: The eyes look like they've been shot in a close-up.

2. Itchy: It's like a little monster having a party in the eyes.

3. Discharge: Yellow or green discharge may cause you to wake up in the morning with your eyes not open.

4. Foreign body sensation: There is always a feeling that something is wandering in the eye.

5. Pain: Sometimes accompanied by a tingling or painful sensation.

If you have the above symptoms, you should seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying treatment.

The eyes are always itchy, painful, and foreign body sensation, which may be the cause of conjunctivitis! Early detection, early treatment

How to treat conjunctivitis

1. Bacterial conjunctivitis:

Use antibiotic eye drops or ointment.

Severe cases may require oral antibiotics.

2. Viral conjunctivitis:

In most cases, no specific treatment is needed, and the autoimmune system clears the virus.

Clean the eye area and avoid contact and spread.

Antiviral drugs may be needed in some situations, such as severe herpes simplex virus infection.

3. Allergic conjunctivitis:

Avoid known allergens.

Use antihistamines, such as allergy eye drops.

In some cases, topical or systemic corticosteroids may be needed.

4. Chemical conjunctivitis:

Immediately rinse the eye area with plenty of water to remove chemicals.

In severe cases, medical professionals may need to step in and proceed with further treatment.

5. Conjunctivitis due to trauma or foreign body:

Gently cleanse the eye area to remove foreign bodies.

Seek medical help if necessary to make sure there is no other eye damage.

6. Dry eye-related conjunctivitis:

Use artificial tears or moisturizers to relieve dryness.

In some cases, a blocked tear duct or specific prescription treatment may be required.

7. Specific Types of Conjunctivitis:

For example, giant papillary conjunctivitis or spring keratoconjunctivitis need to be treated according to the doctor's advice.

In all cases, it is important to practice good hygiene, wash your hands regularly, avoid rubbing your eyes, use personal towels and face towels, and avoid sharing potentially contaminated items such as cosmetics or contact lens supplies. If you suspect you have conjunctivitis, especially if the symptoms are severe or persistent, you should seek a doctor's diagnosis and treatment advice.

The eyes are always itchy, painful, and foreign body sensation, which may be the cause of conjunctivitis! Early detection, early treatment

How to prevent conjunctivitis

1. Practice good personal hygiene: Wash your hands often, especially before touching your eyes. Avoid touching your eyes with unclean hands, as germs can spread to your eyes through your hands.

2. Avoid sharing personal items with patients: Avoid sharing personal items such as towels, pillows, cosmetics, etc., to prevent the spread of germs.

3. Don't share eye drops and glasses: Avoid sharing eye drops and glasses with others. This reduces the risk of bacterial cross-infection.

4. Avoid eye exposure to pollutants: When working or doing activities, try to avoid eye exposure to harmful chemicals, dust, smoke, and other pollutants that can cause conjunctivitis.

5. Avoid eye rubbing: Avoid rubbing your eyes frequently, as this may spread bacteria to the eye area.

6. Pay attention to eye health: Get enough rest regularly and avoid staring at a computer or phone screen for long periods of time. Maintain adequate moisturization and eye hygiene.

7. Avoid overuse of contact lenses: If you wear contact lenses, always maintain them according to proper cleaning and disinfection methods and replace them within the stipulated time.

8. Avoid contact with infectious eye diseases: Avoid close contact with people with infectious eye diseases such as conjunctivitis, conjunctival keratitis, etc.

If you have symptoms of conjunctivitis, such as redness, swelling, increased discharge, and eye pain, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible and treat it according to your doctor's recommendations. The above recommendations can help reduce the risk of conjunctivitis, but they cannot completely prevent all conditions from occurring.

Although conjunctivitis is a common eye disease, as long as we have the right prevention and treatment methods, we can effectively protect our bright eyes.


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