
War movie "Fury" Film Critics After Viewing Sense Commentary Copywriting

author:The multi-talented are happy

War is only for those who have not experienced it

it will be interesting

Anyone who has experienced it will be terrified when war is approaching

Today, I would like to share with you a World War II movie "Rage"

At the end of World War II, the Allies attacked Nazi Germany

Desperate Hitler declared total war

All the people are soldiers, men, women and children

"Rage" is the name of a tank squad

The squad had just lost a deputy tanker in another operation

Nicknamed "War Daddy", Don is the captain of this squad

He was involved in the war against Germany from the beginning of the war

We have long been accustomed to the cruelty of war

Novan, a typist who never went to war during his break

It was assigned to Don's tank

Norman, a recruit who has no knowledge of war

It is impossible to face the cruelty of war and the indifference of human nature

His ignorance, timidity and weakness are what every warrior looks like when he is young

Try to face the bloody river with the logic of justice in the peaceful world

The battlefield of a killing spree

Obviously Norman needed to grow or he would die on the battlefield

A short break ended with Norman following the troops

On the way, Norman spotted a German soldier with a weapon

But he didn't shoot

As a result, one of the tanks in the company was destroyed

This was the first time Norman had seen his comrades die in front of his eyes

He was afraid of sacrificing his comrades because of his weakness and ignorance

Don, as captain, taught Norman a hard lesson

Coming to the camp Don received the task

Head to a vegetable patch to rescue trapped infantry

Classic infantry-tank cooperative combat against anti-tank positions

Under Tang's command, the operation soon ended smoothly

One was found among the rescued U.S. troops

German officer in A U.S. military uniform

Don demanded that Norman shoot and kill the prisoner

Norman was unable to do so and eventually shot and killed the prisoners of war under Don's coercion

Norman could not accept it, but this was the only way to survive the war

After all, war is brutal

The company continued on to the next town

Along the way, many of the Germans who were hanged hung signs on their chests

Coming to the town the Germans ambushed the snipers

A street battle begins

Soon the Germans raised the white flag and surrendered

Many of the Germans were children

Don ordered the killing of the German officer who forced the child to join the army

The company rested in the town

Don found a room with movement

Taking Norman to check out is a woman in red with her cousin

Don took out eggs and ham and prepared for an elegant lunch

Norman played the piano to attract the cousin of the woman in red

After a brief time together, Norman reaped the love of the war

Just before the company was about to leave, German artillery attacked the town

Norman looked at the girl's body in the ruins

Once again, I felt the indifference of the cruel humanity of war

The company continued to depart when a tank was attacked

This is the climax of the entire movie in the tank battle

After this battle, only the "Fury" tank remained

As a result, an anti-tank mine blew up the tracks on the road

Had to be repaired in situ

Norman, who had gone to the hill to put up a sentry, spotted a group of Germans

We are heading in this direction

Norman ran back to his position in a panic and told Captain Don what had happened

Five men had no chance of winning against a German army of several hundred men

The team members were ready to abandon the tanks and evacuate quickly

At this time Captain Don decided to fight to the end

In the end, everyone chose to stay all

Don began to prepare for this battle with no chance of winning

The battle begins with several hundred German soldiers under the aura of the protagonist

Helpless against tanks that have stopped in place and cannot move

In the end, because the ammunition was exhausted, the three teammates died

Only Don and Norman remained

At the last moment when the Germans threw grenades into tanks

Don ordered Norman to escape from the tank's escape

He was buried in the fire with tanks

Norman was spotted hiding under a tank by a young German soldier

As a result, the German soldiers spared him

In the end, Norman waited for the rescue force to become the hero of the battle

Norman, who was sitting in the rescue car, looked out the window

He was no longer a teenager who knew nothing about war

How to understand war without having experienced war

War is no more war

War is cruel and we can only cherish the peace now even more


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