
The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much

author:Xiaoju online 666

The passing of Professor Hu Biliang, a well-known scholar in the field of economics, has undoubtedly brought a great shock to the academic community. But what is even more memorable is his remarks about scholarships for African students before his death. He once said frankly: "At present, the scholarship standard for African students in our country is very low, and a person is only about 100,000 yuan a year, so the standard should be increased." As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused widespread controversy in all walks of life.

The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much

100,000 yuan is already a lot of money for many domestic families. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the per capita disposable income of residents in the country in 2023 will only be 39,218 yuan. This means that the annual subsidy for an African student is almost three times that of a family of three in China. Such a gap has made many people begin to question: should our educational resources be so skewed?

The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much

We can't help but ask, why do we give such high scholarships to African students? Is it to demonstrate our responsibility as a great power, or is it to establish a good image in the world? Or is it that we hope to attract more international talents to study on the mainland, so as to promote cultural exchanges and economic development?

The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much

However, when we turn our attention to domestic university students, we find that their treatment is very different from that of African students. Although there are also scholarships and grants for domestic university students, the amount is far from comparable to that of African students. This huge contrast makes many people feel puzzled and dissatisfied.

The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much

Professor Hu Biliang's remarks have undoubtedly uncovered the tip of the iceberg of this issue. Although his proposal was originally intended to increase the country's international influence, it ignored the needs and feelings of domestic college students. The distribution of educational resources should be more fair and reasonable, rather than blindly tilting towards one side or the other.

The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much

The passing of Professor Hu Biliang gives us an opportunity to re-examine this issue. Although his remarks caused controversy, they also provide us with an opportunity to think. How should we balance the educational resources of students at home and abroad, and how should we ensure the fairness and justice of education? These questions deserve our deep consideration.

The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much

While the death of Professor Hu Biliang makes us feel sorry, it also makes us pay more attention to the allocation of educational resources. Hopefully, in the future, we can find a more equitable and reasonable solution, so that every student can enjoy equal educational opportunities.

The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much

Finally, I would like to conclude this article with an old saying: "Suffer from inequality rather than few." "When allocating educational resources, we should pay more attention to fairness and justice, so that every student can receive the attention and support they deserve. This is the best way for us to commemorate Professor Hu Biliang.

The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much
The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much
The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much
The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much
The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much
The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much
The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much
The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much
The professor who said that 100,000 a year for African students was too little is gone, and some people miss him very much

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