
Zhou Hongyi as an Internet celebrity: From the live broadcast room to the Harvard speech, a game about brands and talents!

author:Wei Shao said

Uncle Zhou Hongyi's sensitivity and ability to grasp opportunities are unparalleled among entrepreneurs of his generation.

Zhou Hongyi as an Internet celebrity: From the live broadcast room to the Harvard speech, a game about brands and talents!

The incident of Dong Yuhui of New Oriental broke out, and he then visited New Oriental and had in-depth exchanges and studies with Oriental Selection. The Hubei people of the nine-headed bird are extremely smart, and there is a high probability that they are still a technical hanging, and the underlying logic and business gameplay will soon have a deep understanding!

As a result, since the end of this year, the company's market value has skyrocketed by more than 20 billion, except for the boss who posts videos every day to tell jokes, the company's business seems to have changed little!

Zhou Hongyi as an Internet celebrity: From the live broadcast room to the Harvard speech, a game about brands and talents!

Especially on March 28th, Lei Jun was even more excessive, it can be said that he sold out the production capacity of the first car made by Xiaomi in one year, and the help of Internet celebrities to enterprises is simply too cost-effective, with tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of impacts!

It's no wonder that entrepreneurs are now starting to become Internet celebrities, making jokes and starting live broadcasts. Especially the bigwigs in the car-making circle! Li Bin of Weilai and Wei Jianjun of Great Wall Motors have opened accounts on various platforms and become Internet celebrities!

The ultimate goal of entrepreneurs is to achieve value conversion, and high-end entrepreneurs should not just simply bring goods, which is too low-end. Since Zhou Hongyi became an Internet celebrity and started live broadcasting, the company's market value has soared by more than 20 billion. Obviously, his study in Dongfang Selection made him deeply understand that as a successful entrepreneur, driving capital operation is far more important than simply selling products.

Recently, he visited Harvard University to give a speech, the content of the speech is not to talk about, compared to NIO Li Bin, who also went to Harvard to give a speech, the whole English is the whole time, and the uncle is actually Chinese the whole time!

Such a high-ranking entrepreneur speaks Chinese in Lao Meina, saying that he is a big country and self-confidence, we don't believe it! This shows that his main audience is Chinese students, not people from other countries. And there is a high probability that they are poaching people!

Zhou Hongyi as an Internet celebrity: From the live broadcast room to the Harvard speech, a game about brands and talents!

Because China is currently facing a severe shortage of high-end AI talent, which is particularly prominent in the global Fourth Industrial Revolution, a new era with AI at its core. In fact, some of the world's top AI engineers and R&D personnel are Chinese, but most of them work in the United States.

Therefore, the uncle is appealing, calling on these overseas talents to return and contribute to China's development: we must not fall behind, as compatriots, even if you have succeeded abroad, you are still foreigners. The motherland needs you, the future needs you, and our industry needs you. The subtext is: "I'm the big brother in the lead, and I won't treat you badly if I mess around." ”

Zhou Hongyi as an Internet celebrity: From the live broadcast room to the Harvard speech, a game about brands and talents!

In fact, it is no accident that entrepreneurs have settled in the live broadcast room. In the context of slowing economic growth and declining consumption power, how to win the favor of the market and the trust of consumers is a huge challenge for all entrepreneurs. Traditional marketing methods have been difficult to completely conquer the younger generation of consumer groups, but the influence of individual entrepreneurs can become an important starting point for developing the market.

On the one hand, the affinity and popularity of the entrepreneur himself can directly win attention for the brand; On the other hand, direct interaction with fans through live streaming and other forms can enhance the positive impression of the brand in the minds of young people. More importantly, entrepreneurs take the initiative to expose themselves to the public eye, establishing a positive corporate image, which helps consumers to have a sense of trust in the company.

For Internet companies, "popularity" also has a profound impact on increasing market value and attracting talent. Taking Zhou Hongyi as an example, through continuous live broadcast and affinity marketing, the company's market value has skyrocketed by more than 20 billion after the Chinese New Year alone. Lei Jun once sold all the annual production capacity of Xiaomi Automobile, which can be called the best representative of "Internet celebrity marketing".

Zhou Hongyi as an Internet celebrity: From the live broadcast room to the Harvard speech, a game about brands and talents!

Emerging forms of marketing, such as live streaming and short videos, are not only low-cost and cost-effective, but also can quickly accumulate popularity and expand influence. In fact, in the current business environment of lack of trust and uncertain risks, self-marketing through "Internet celebrity" has become a compulsory course for entrepreneurs. The appeal of the entrepreneur will be the key factor that determines the success or failure of the enterprise.

In other words, being an entrepreneur as an influencer is the basic viability of a business. When an Internet celebrity is like a tiger with wings, if it is inappropriate, there is a high probability that it will be eliminated by the market!

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