
How many times a month is "husband and wife life" normal? Doctor reminds: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

As they get older, many couples begin to focus on whether their sex life is "normal", and unrealistic societal expectations are often unsettling.

Doctors warn that the real answer is far more complex than simple numbers, and that the key lies in the feelings and needs of both spouses, rather than blindly pursuing a universally agreed "standard."

How many times a month is "husband and wife life" normal? Doctor reminds: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

1. The medical perspective of the frequency of sexual activity

Frequency of sex, a topic that is widely discussed but rarely conclusively concluded. According to a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, the so-called "normal" frequency of sex is non-existent. Research highlights that each couple's situation is unique, and that the satisfaction of both couples is the best criterion for judging the quality of sexual life.

In addition, as we age, physiological changes in the human body naturally affect libido and sexual performance. For example, the older you get, the frequency of sex may naturally decrease due to changes in hormone levels and the influence of physical health conditions.

However, this does not mean that the reduction in sex will directly affect the quality of the couple's relationship. In fact, many couples find that as they spend more time together, they value emotional connection and non-sexual intimacy more.

Therefore, doctors suggest that couples should pay more attention to communication and mutual understanding to find a balance of sexual life suitable for both parties.

How many times a month is "husband and wife life" normal? Doctor reminds: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

2. The relationship between life stress and sexual life

The fast-paced and stressful nature of modern life has a non-negligible impact on people's sex lives. Research in the Journal of Mental Health shows that long-term emotional problems such as psychological stress, anxiety or depression not only affect an individual's mental health, but can also lead to a decrease in libido, which in turn affects the frequency of sex between couples.

Professionals who are stressed at work, work long hours or travel a lot often struggle to find the time and energy to maintain a regular sex routine.

In this context, experts suggest that couples should try to reduce stress, such as through sports, recreation or counseling, in order to improve their emotional state and emotional communication between couples.

At the same time, creating more time together, such as regular date nights or leisure activities together, can be an effective way to enhance the emotional connection between the two partners, which will naturally increase the frequency and quality of sex.

How many times a month is "husband and wife life" normal? Doctor reminds: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

3. The role of emotional communication in sexual life

Emotional communication between couples is key to maintaining a marital relationship and a quality sex life. According to a study in the journal Family Psychology, there was a positive correlation between deep communication between couples and the quality of sexual life.

This means that open and honest communication between couples in their daily lives can significantly increase their intimacy and satisfaction.

The benefits of emotional communication are not limited to emotional communication, but also provide more understanding and support when solving problems encountered in sexual life, so as to avoid the accumulation of misunderstandings and conflicts.

Experts recommend that couples should have regular "relationship checks," which include discussing each other's needs, expectations, and feelings. In this way, both partners can not only get to know each other better, but also be more synchronized in the face of changes in their sex lives.

For example, if one partner feels a decrease in libido and the other understands the emotional and physical reasons behind this, it will be easier to show empathy and support and find a common solution rather than blame or misunderstanding.

How many times a month is "husband and wife life" normal? Doctor reminds: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

4. The positive impact of a healthy lifestyle on sexual life

A healthy lifestyle plays a non-negligible role in improving the quality and frequency of sexual life. Studies have shown that a proper diet, moderate exercise, and adequate sleep all have a direct impact on the body's hormonal balance and overall health, which are fundamental to maintaining normal sexual function.

An article in the Journal of Health Psychology states that people who regularly participate in aerobic exercise report that their sexual quality of life is better than that of those who don't exercise regularly.

Exercise can improve the body's blood circulation and enhance the heart and lungs, which can not only improve physical strength, but also enhance the endurance and enjoyment of sexual life.

In addition, a healthy diet has a direct impact on sexual function. A diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables can improve the body's absorption of various essential nutrients, which are essential for hormone production and regulation.

At the same time, avoiding excessive intake of processed foods and foods high in sugar can reduce chronic inflammation and improve metabolic efficiency, which are key factors in maintaining sexual health.

Couples should work together to improve the quality of their sexual life by maintaining healthy lifestyle habits and positive emotional communication.

By understanding and practicing these principles, couples can explore and enjoy a healthy and satisfying sex life together, rather than being lost in the quest for "normal" frequency.

How many times a month is "husband and wife life" normal? Doctor reminds: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

5. Married life: the pursuit of quality rather than quantity

In modern society, discussions about "conjugal life" tend to overemphasize frequency and ignore the importance of quality. However, medical research has shown that the quality of sexual life between couples is far more important than the frequency.

According to an article published in Sexual Behavior Research, couples who focus on the quality of their sexual life tend to have higher levels of relationship satisfaction than those who focus only on the number of times.

The quality of sex is not only reflected in the satisfaction of the sexual act itself, but also in foreplay, emotional communication, and post-sexual intimacy, which greatly enhance the emotional bond between couples.

To improve the quality of their sex life, couples can explore each other's preferences together and experiment with new things emotionally and physically on a regular basis.

For example, a relationship can be strengthened by a trip, a date, or a new experiential activity together, which can bring new excitement and energy into your sex life.

At the same time, it is important to regularly discuss each other's feelings and expectations during sex, which can help to promote understanding and satisfaction, so that sex does not become a source of conflict for couples.

How many times a month is "husband and wife life" normal? Doctor reminds: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times

6. Natural changes in age and sex life

As people age, their physical and psychological conditions change, and these changes naturally affect their sex life as well. Older couples may experience changes in hormone levels, such as decreased testosterone levels in men and menopausal symptoms in women, which can affect libido and performance.

However, this does not mean that the quality of sex is necessarily decreasing. In fact, many studies have shown that couples tend to experience an increase in emotional depth as they age, which can translate into deeper satisfaction in their sex lives.

Couples can maintain the quality of their sex life by adapting to these physiological changes. For example, using lubricants to cope with vaginal dryness after menopause in women, or adapting to changes in men's sexual performance by adjusting the frequency and pattern of sexual activity.

In addition, regular medical check-ups and consultation with a doctor are also necessary, as health problems such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes may indirectly affect sexual function.

How many times a month is "husband and wife life" normal? Doctor reminds: It is recommended not to deliberately pursue the number of times


The standard of "normal" sex life is individualized and varied, and should focus more on the feelings and satisfaction of both partners. By promoting open and honest communication, focusing on a healthy lifestyle, and constantly improving the quality of their sex life, couples can work together to create a more harmonious and satisfying sex life.

Harmony in sex life not only strengthens the relationship between couples, but also promotes their mental health and quality of life. Therefore, the pursuit of high-quality married life is more important and has long-term significance than simply pursuing the number of times.

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