
Doctor: If you want to protect the islets of pancreas, it is recommended to do 4 points in your diet

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

Diabetes, a seemingly common medical term, hides countless complex physiological mechanisms and profound social impacts. It is a metabolic disease caused by multiple etiologies, characterized by hyperglycemia, which seriously affects the quality of life of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

When we dig deeper into diabetes, we see that it's not just a physical disease. It is like a mirror that reflects people's lifestyles, eating habits, and the strengths and weaknesses of the social healthcare system.

The frequent occurrence of diabetes is closely related to the fast-paced and high-stress lifestyle of modern society, and is also closely related to the high-sugar, high-fat, and high-calorie eating habits.

The world of diabetics is a world full of challenges and troubles. They need to keep an eye on their blood sugar levels, keep a strict diet, and even need insulin injections to stay alive. This long-term physical and psychological stress leaves many patients feeling helpless and frustrated.

Doctor: If you want to protect the islets of pancreas, it is recommended to do 4 points in your diet

However, diabetes is not an invincible enemy. Through scientific treatment and reasonable lifestyle adjustment, many patients' conditions can be effectively controlled.

In addition, with the deepening of medical research, more and more new drugs and technologies are being applied to the treatment of diabetes, bringing more hope and choice to patients.

Diabetes is not only a medical problem, but also a social problem, which requires the joint efforts of the whole society to create a more friendly and supportive environment for diabetic patients from various aspects such as improving lifestyles, adjusting dietary structures, and raising public health awareness.

In this era of challenges and opportunities, let us work together to defeat diabetes as a global health problem.

Doctor: If you want to protect the islets of pancreas, it is recommended to do 4 points in your diet


Is cayenne pepper the "hair" of diabetes?

Chili peppers themselves are not a direct cause of diabetes. The occurrence of diabetes is related to a variety of factors such as genetics, environment, and lifestyle habits, and the impact of chili pepper as a food is far from reaching the level that can cause disease alone.

However, some of the ingredients in chili peppers, such as capsaicin, etc., may indeed have some effects on the body. Excessive intake of chili peppers may cause digestive discomfort, such as stomach pain, diarrhea, etc., which may increase the burden on the body of diabetic patients to a certain extent. In addition, capsaicin may also affect the body's metabolic processes and have a certain impact on blood sugar control.

But that doesn't mean diabetics should avoid chili altogether. Moderate consumption of chili peppers can not only increase the taste and flavor of food, but also provide certain nutrients for the body, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, etc.

The key is that diabetics should arrange their diet reasonably according to their physical condition and the doctor's advice to ensure a balanced nutrition, while controlling the intake of chili peppers and avoiding excessive consumption.

Doctor: If you want to protect the islets of pancreas, it is recommended to do 4 points in your diet


Doctor: If you want to protect the islets, it is recommended to eat 4 points

First, maintain a balanced diet and make sure you're getting enough nutrients. As an important organ for regulating blood sugar, pancreatic islets require adequate nutritional support.

It is recommended to consume more foods rich in high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals in your daily diet, such as lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, etc. At the same time, avoid excessive intake of high-sugar, high-fat foods to avoid excessive burden on pancreatic islets.

Second, control the amount of food you eat and avoid overeating. Pancreatic islets need to secrete the right amount of insulin to regulate blood sugar. If you eat too much food, especially high-calorie foods, the islets need to secrete more insulin to maintain blood sugar balance.

In the long term, the islets may be damaged by overexertion. Therefore, maintaining a moderate amount of food and drink can help reduce the burden on the pancreatic islets.

Doctor: If you want to protect the islets of pancreas, it is recommended to do 4 points in your diet

Furthermore, pay attention to the diversity of your diet and avoid picky eating. The health of pancreatic islets is closely related to overall nutritional status. By consuming a variety of foods, you can ensure that your body receives comprehensive nutritional support. At the same time, a varied diet also helps to promote insulin sensitivity and stability, thereby better maintaining pancreatic islet function.

Finally, eat regular meals to avoid being overly hungry or full. Excessive starvation can cause islets to secrete too much glucagon to maintain blood sugar levels.

Over-satiety may increase the burden on the islets and affect their function. Therefore, maintaining a regular and quantitative meal habit can help maintain the stable state of pancreatic islets.


What are the abnormalities of insufficient insulin secretion in the body?

First, insufficient insulin secretion can lead to an increase in blood sugar. High blood sugar is one of the most direct consequences of insulin insufficiency. When blood sugar levels continue to rise, people may feel thirsty and urinate more because the body tries to remove excess sugar by urinating. In addition, high blood sugar can cause problems such as blurred vision, fatigue and slow wound healing.

Doctor: If you want to protect the islets of pancreas, it is recommended to do 4 points in your diet

Secondly, insufficient insulin may also affect the body's fat and protein metabolism. This can lead to weight loss, although appetite may increase.

This is because the body is unable to efficiently use glucose as an energy source and instead breaks down fat and muscle for energy. In this case, people may feel weak and powerless.

In addition, insufficient insulin secretion can also lead to abnormalities in the nervous system. High blood sugar can damage nerve cells, leading to neuropathy. This lesion may present as numbness, tingling, or pain in the limbs, and in severe cases, may even affect motor and sensory function.


Diabetics who want to supplement insulin, these 4 foods are a good choice

First of all, it is important to mention foods rich in chromium. Chromium is an important component of glucose tolerance factor, which has the effect of enhancing insulin, which can help cells make better use of glucose.

Doctor: If you want to protect the islets of pancreas, it is recommended to do 4 points in your diet

Whole grains, nuts and certain seafood, such as whole grains, are good sources of chromium. Moderate intake of these foods can not only meet the body's need for chromium, but also improve insulin resistance in diabetic patients to a certain extent.

Secondly, high-fiber foods are also good friends for diabetics. Fiber can help delay the absorption of sugar from food, which can stabilize blood sugar levels.

Foods such as whole-grain bread, oats, and beans are rich in dietary fiber. Eating these foods regularly not only increases feelings of fullness, but also helps control weight and blood sugar fluctuations.

In addition, foods rich in vitamin C are also recommended. Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect and can protect pancreatic islet cells from free radical damage, thereby improving the efficiency of insulin secretion.

Doctor: If you want to protect the islets of pancreas, it is recommended to do 4 points in your diet

Citrus fruits, strawberries, leafy greens, and more are all excellent sources of vitamin C. By ingesting these foods, diabetics can maintain the health of pancreatic islet cells while enjoying the delicious taste.

Finally, magnesium-rich foods should not be overlooked. Magnesium is an important cofactor for insulin to function, increasing insulin sensitivity and promoting glucose utilization.

Foods such as seaweed, sesame seeds, and lean meat are rich in magnesium, and diabetics can get enough magnesium through a varied diet.

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