
In April, don't forget to eat "golden vegetables" to clear away heat and reduce three highs, nourish the liver, strengthen the spleen and stomach, help sleep and strengthen immunity

author:Foodie Afu
{"info":{"title":{"content":"四月,别忘记吃“千金菜”,清热降三高,养肝健脾胃,助眠强免疫","en":"In April, don't forget to eat \"golden vegetables\" to clear away heat and reduce three highs, nourish the liver, strengthen the spleen and stomach, help sleep and strengthen immunity"},"description":{"content":"1、素炒南瓜尖!2、儿菜炒肉!3、白菜炖豆腐!4、凉拌黄花菜!","en":"1. Stir-fried pumpkin tip!2. Stir-fried meat with cabbage!3. Stewed tofu with cabbage!4. Chilled daylily!"}},"items":[]}