
Reminder: There are these words on the medicine box, you must buy and use carefully! If you don't know, take a look

author: Longnan Wen County released

Source: Pharmacist Fang Jian

When we buy and use medicines, the label on the pill box becomes an important reference for us. These words are not just the name of the drug, but also an important message of responsibility for our health. If we ignore this information and blindly use drugs, it may cause serious harm to the body.

Therefore, we are especially reminded that before taking the medicine, if we find the following words on the medicine box, we must read the instructions carefully and buy with caution.

Reminder: There are these words on the medicine box, you must buy and use carefully! If you don't know, take a look

What are the words on the pill box, should be bought with caution?

1. "Hemp"

If the name of the drug contains the word "hemp", it may indicate that the drug contains pseudoephedrine.

Common cold medicines, such as phenol ephedrine hydrochloride tablets, compound pseudoephedrine hydrochloride sustained-release capsules, aminophen pseudoephedrine tablets, etc., contain the word "hemp" in the drug name, all of which contain pseudoephedrine.

Pseudoephedrine can reduce nasal congestion symptoms of colds or rhinitis, but at the same time it can cause constriction of blood vessels, leading to increased blood pressure and increased heart workload.

Therefore, patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases should try to avoid using pseudoephedrine-containing drugs.

Reminder: There are these words on the medicine box, you must buy and use carefully! If you don't know, take a look

2. "Phenol"

"Phenol" usually refers to acetaminophen, which is often referred to as "paracetamol", which is commonly used to reduce fever, reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

However, long-term or excessive use of acetaminophen can be burdensome to the gastrointestinal tract or liver, and in severe cases, it can lead to liver damage and even liver failure!

Therefore, when using these medicines, it is necessary to follow the doctor's advice, do not overdose or combine with combination cold medicines, and avoid drinking alcohol while taking them.

3. "Cilin", "cephalosporin", "mycin", "floxacin", "nitrazole"

The suffixes of "cilin", "cephalosporin", "mycin", "floxacin", "nitrazole" and other suffixes in the name of drugs are often antibacterial drugs, and the excessive or improper use of antimicrobial drugs may lead to a series of problems, including the increase of bacterial resistance, the occurrence of adverse reactions, and the destruction of the normal microecological balance of the human body.

There are many people who use antibiotics when they have a cold or fever, which is not right, a cold or fever is not necessarily a bacterial infection, most common colds and flu are viral infections, and it is useless to use antibacterial drugs. When using antimicrobial drugs, they should be evaluated by a professional doctor, and used in strict accordance with the doctor's advice and prescription, and should not be taken at will.

Reminder: There are these words on the medicine box, you must buy and use carefully! If you don't know, take a look


"Min", "flutter" and "benzene" usually refer to anti-allergic drugs such as chlorpheniramine (also known as chlorpheniramine), which can easily cause drowsiness, peptic ulcers, asthma, etc.

Drivers or people who work at heights, machinery, or people with gastrointestinal disorders or asthma should be cautious when taking these drugs and be alert to the possibility of these side effects.


In short, everyone is the first person responsible for their own health, so when buying and using medicines, be sure to read the label on the medicine box carefully to see if the name of the medicine contains the above words, if you have any doubts, you should consult a professional doctor or pharmacist in time to ensure the safety of the medication!

Tips: Common misconceptions about buying drugs on your own:

1. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment: Many people tend to self-diagnose and self-treat their illnesses through the internet or a friend's suggestion. However, this behavior can lead to incorrect diagnoses and inappropriate treatment, delaying the medical care that is really needed.

2. Ignoring drug side effects and interactions: When buying drugs on their own, people often ignore the side effects and interactions with other drugs. This can lead to adverse effects or reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

3. Buying counterfeit drugs: Buying drugs through some informal channels carries the risk of buying counterfeit drugs. These counterfeit medicines may not have the correct ingredients or dosage and pose a potential health hazard.

4. Ignoring the indications and contraindications of the drug: Each drug has its indications and contraindications, i.e., the appropriate circumstances for the use of the drug and the circumstances in which the use of the drug is prohibited. When buying medicines on their own, people often overlook this important information, which can lead to inappropriate use.

5. Ignoring the correct usage and dosage of the drug: The correct dosage and dosage are essential for the efficacy and safety of the drug. When buying drugs on their own, people often do not properly understand and adhere to the usage and dosage of the drugs, which may lead to adverse reactions of the drugs or poor treatment effects.

Therefore, to ensure the safety of self-purchased medicines, it is advisable to consult a doctor or pharmacist and follow professional advice and guidance.

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