
People with a weak spleen and a cold stomach remember to drink a bowl every morning to strengthen the spleen and stomach, have a ruddy complexion, and sleep well

author:Shukuri Musume

Spring is the season when the earth awakens, the sun is warm, and everything is revived. However, the climate in spring is changeable, alternating between cold and warm, which is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach. Therefore, the focus of health preservation is to warm the spleen and stomach and maintain the balance and health of the body. For people with spleen deficiency and stomach cold, it is necessary to pay special attention to drinking a bowl of healthy porridge that nourishes the spleen and stomach every morning, which will be a good habit.

People with a weak spleen and a cold stomach remember to drink a bowl every morning to strengthen the spleen and stomach, have a ruddy complexion, and sleep well

Spring is the golden period for "nourishing the spleen and stomach", because at this time, the yang energy rises, and the activity of the spleen and stomach is also enhanced. Choosing the right ingredients is essential for regulating the spleen and stomach. So, what ingredients are often eaten in spring that are beneficial to the health of the spleen and stomach? Below, I will introduce four kinds of ingredients to nourish the spleen and stomach in spring, and recommend a healthy porridge method to nourish the spleen and stomach!

1. Xiaomi

Millet is warm and sweet, and has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach and invigorating qi. Moderate consumption of millet can increase the digestion capacity of the spleen and stomach, improve symptoms such as loss of appetite, bloating and fatigue.

2. Apples

Spring apples are fresh and juicy, rich in fruit acids and vitamins, which can promote digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach, and enhance appetite. At the same time, apples are also rich in dietary fiber, which helps regulate gastrointestinal function and prevent constipation.

People with a weak spleen and a cold stomach remember to drink a bowl every morning to strengthen the spleen and stomach, have a ruddy complexion, and sleep well

3. Red dates

Jujube has the effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach and harmonizing qi and blood. Moderate consumption of jujube in spring can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase the secretion of digestive juices, and improve problems such as loss of appetite and diarrhea caused by weakness of the spleen and stomach.

4. Brown sugar

Brown sugar is warm and sweet, and has the effect of warming the spleen and stomach and nourishing qi and blood. Moderate consumption of brown sugar can enhance the function of the spleen and stomach, improve cold constitution, and relieve abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.

People with a weak spleen and a cold stomach remember to drink a bowl every morning to strengthen the spleen and stomach, have a ruddy complexion, and sleep well

Recommended recipe: brown sugar apple millet porridge

Prepare ingredients: 100 grams of millet, 1 apple, 10 red dates, an appropriate amount of old brown sugar, and an appropriate amount of water.

Here's how:

1. Wash the millet several times with water, after it is completely cleaned, put it in a basin, add an appropriate amount of water, soak it for half an hour, soak the millet soft for later use; after the apple is cleaned, peel and corre, cut it into small cubes with a knife, clean the jujubes, remove the pit, cut it in half and set aside.

People with a weak spleen and a cold stomach remember to drink a bowl every morning to strengthen the spleen and stomach, have a ruddy complexion, and sleep well

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add millet, diced apples and red dates, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes until the millet is ripe, cook all the ingredients until cooked thoroughly, add a piece of old brown sugar, stir well, continue to simmer for 5 minutes, cook until the brown sugar is completely dissolved, and then you can eat.

Cooking Tips:

According to personal taste, you can increase or decrease the amount of brown sugar in moderation, you can add more sweetness if you like it, after coming out of the pot, you can sprinkle some raisins or wolfberries, stir evenly, and eat together, the taste is better!

People with a weak spleen and a cold stomach remember to drink a bowl every morning to strengthen the spleen and stomach, have a ruddy complexion, and sleep well


In the spring, wellness is an important part of the year's health. Nourishing the spleen and stomach is particularly important, because the spleen and stomach are the digestion and absorption centers of the human body, which is directly related to our nutrient absorption and the health of the body. Choosing the right ingredients to make nutritious brown sugar apple millet porridge is not only a delicacy, but also a good way to maintain health. This porridge is not only rich in taste, but also rich in various nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber, etc., which can nourish the spleen and stomach, regulate the complexion and enhance physical fitness.

People with a weak spleen and a cold stomach remember to drink a bowl every morning to strengthen the spleen and stomach, have a ruddy complexion, and sleep well

Drinking a bowl of brown sugar, apple and millet porridge every morning can not only help us replenish the energy and nutrients needed in the body, but also warm the body, improve the body's resistance, and let us spend every spring morning more healthily. In this warm season, let's start with a bowl of brown sugar apple millet porridge full of warmth, and add a touch of spring to our healthy life.