
There is a good thing in the pig, eat it 2 times a week, one sleeps well, the second looks good, and the third mentions immunity!

author:Shukuri Musume

Pork has always played an important role in our daily diet. It can be both one of the staple foods in our daily life and a staple ingredient in a variety of delicious dishes. There is a saying that says, "A pig's whole body is a treasure." This sentence not only means that pig meat can be eaten, but also pig bones, pig trotters, pig blood and some internal organs of pigs are all delicacies that cannot be missed! Among them, pig heart is such a nutritious and delicious delicacy.

There is a good thing in the pig, eat it 2 times a week, one sleeps well, the second looks good, and the third mentions immunity!

Pork heart is a widely recognized delicacy that is not only delicious but also nutritious and has a variety of benefits. Pig heart is rich in protein, iron, zinc, vitamin B and other nutrients, which helps to improve the body's immunity, enhance physical strength, promote blood circulation, and has a significant effect on preventing anemia, fatigue, tonifying the heart and soothing the nerves, and helping sleep. In addition, pig heart is also rich in cholesterol, and moderate consumption is also helpful for regulating blood lipids and enhancing memory.

There is a good thing in the pig, eat it 2 times a week, one sleeps well, the second looks good, and the third mentions immunity!

Since there are so many benefits of eating pork heart, how to make it delicious? Below, I will share with you a simple and nutritious detailed recipe for stir-fried pork heart with wine and rice!

There is a good thing in the pig, eat it 2 times a week, one sleeps well, the second looks good, and the third mentions immunity!

Recommended Recipe: [Stir-fried Pork Heart]

Ingredients: pork heart, carrots, green peppers, green onions, ginger, garlic, salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, oyster sauce, five-spice powder, starch, cooking oil.

Here's how:

1. Prepare the ingredients: Handle the pork heart, cut it into thin slices, soak it in water for 15 minutes, remove the blood, then wash it and drain the water. Prepare an appropriate amount of green peppers and carrots, after cleaning, cut the green peppers into cubes, peel and slice the carrots, and prepare an appropriate amount of chopped green onions, shredded ginger and garlic slices.

2. Marinate to taste: Put the processed pork heart slices into a basin, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt and five-spice powder, marinate for a while, and let the seasoning fully penetrate into the pork heart.

There is a good thing in the pig, eat it 2 times a week, one sleeps well, the second looks good, and the third mentions immunity!

3. Stir-fry the pork heart: Heat the oil, add the marinated pork heart, quickly stir-fry over high heat until the pig heart changes color, then turn off the heat, and put the pig heart out for later use.

4. Stir-fry to make a dish: Heat oil in another pot, add green onions, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add green peppers and carrots and stir-fry evenly, then put in the fried pork heart, pour in water starch to thicken, quickly stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat, put the fried fried pork heart out, arrange it, sprinkle it with green onions, and it can be eaten.

There is a good thing in the pig, eat it 2 times a week, one sleeps well, the second looks good, and the third mentions immunity!

Cooking tips

1. Treatment method of pig heart: when processing pig heart, the white fascia on the pig heart should be removed, cut into thin slices, carefully cleaned, remove impurities and blood water, after slicing, you can first marinate with cooking wine, so that you can remove the smell and increase the fragrance.

2. The skill of frying pig heart: the heat should be mastered well when frying pig heart, and the pig heart is thin, so the frying time should not be too long, so as not to be too dry and hard. In addition, the choice of side dishes can be changed according to individual tastes, increasing the variety of dishes.

There is a good thing in the pig, eat it 2 times a week, one sleeps well, the second looks good, and the third mentions immunity!

As a delicacy, pork heart is not only delicious, but also nutritious and has a variety of effects. With proper handling and cooking, we can make it into a variety of delicious dishes that will enrich our table. It is recommended to consume it twice a week, which not only helps to improve sleep quality, but also improves complexion, strengthens immunity, and escorts our health. Let's enjoy the happiness of a healthy life while enjoying the food.

[This article is original by "Show Chef Niang", the article and pictures are copyrighted, please do not plagiarize, delete, or misappropriate without permission, and infringement must be investigated!]