
Three years of work VS three years of graduate school, which one has a more "salary" price ratio?

author:Xiangyang Radio and Television Station

Recently, some media found that the average minimum monthly salary of fresh graduate students is only 441 yuan higher than that of undergraduate students who have worked for three years by studying 1.14 million job postings in Beijing. Some non-technical positions, such as media creativity, marketing, education and training, are even less expensive than those who were directly employed at the time after 3 years of further study. Entries such as "upside down in this research", "depreciation of academic qualifications", and "master's and doctor's degrees per capita" frequently detonate hot searches. Should they enter the workplace as soon as possible to accumulate practical experience, or should they further their studies improve their professional qualities? What should those college students who are facing the graduate school entrance examination or employment do? A reporter from Yangcheng Evening News conducted an investigation.

In the long run

Graduate students have an advantage in the job market

"The graduate school has greatly improved my self-learning ability and independent problem-solving ability. Bei Xiaoxin (pseudonym), a graduate student at Inner Mongolia University, believes that "compared with undergraduate studies, graduate studies are not only more in-depth in professional fields, but also have a more solid and complete knowledge system." In addition, when you study, you need to collect all kinds of information and solve problems independently, which will be very helpful in your work. ”

Xue Shoe (pseudonym), a graduate student majoring in basic education at South China Normal University, said, "Graduate students have stronger scientific research and management skills, coupled with in-depth professional fields, it is easier to achieve professional matching when looking for a job." "Snowshoes are the first to enter the workplace after graduating from undergraduate, and choose to go to graduate school after working for a few years. "If you go back to work after graduate school, you'll have more experience, you'll get started faster, and you'll have new work experiences," she says. ”

"On the surface, the salary of a newly graduated master's degree is the same as that of an undergraduate student who has worked for three years, but from a longer-term time scale, the theoretical literacy, the ability to perceive problems, and the future development potential of master's graduates must still have relative advantages. Professor Chen Yongzhu, dean of the Graduate School of Guangdong Technical Normal University, said that from the current proportion of master's students in the mainland to the total population, there is still a relatively large gap compared with developed countries, so the demand for graduate students in the mainland will only further expand in the future.

Chen Yongzhu pointed out that in the face of the new historical period, with the continuous iterative upgrading of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the demand for high-quality talents is also increasing day by day. Especially for professional master's students who are biased towards the application level, we must have a stronger demand for high-quality comprehensive talents when developing new quality productivity. Therefore, improving the level of academic qualifications is not only a personal development need, but also a realistic demand of the mainland. "Especially for professional doctoral students, this is the focus of the training of doctoral students in mainland China. Chen Yongzhu said that at present, the mainland is vigorously developing professional doctorates and cultivating industry-oriented and industry-oriented leading talents.

Upgrading of social needs

The job market favors multi-skilled and multi-skilled talents

According to media surveys, the salary of students who choose to study in graduate school in technology development positions is 11% higher than that of students who work directly in the same period, while other liberal arts majors such as product operation, marketing, and media creativity have a significant downward trend. What is the significance of graduate students in liberal arts?

When referring to the phenomenon that "the average minimum monthly salary of fresh graduate students is only 441 yuan higher than that of undergraduates who have worked for three years", Xueshoe talked about his opinion: "This kind of situation may occur in liberal arts, but the probability of salary reduction in computer science and medicine may not be high. In the current situation of depreciation of academic qualifications, graduate students should expand their abilities in all aspects to improve the empowerment brought to them by the master's level platform. In addition to scientific research and learning, Bei Xiaoxin actively learns Internet thinking and has become a learning blogger with nearly one million likes, she believes that "it is of great significance to use online learning resources to continue to learn independently and deeply in the future work." ”

Compared with science and engineering, it seems that there is no "necessity" for liberal arts to improve academic qualifications. In this regard, Chen Yongzhu said that in the case of the general improvement of academic qualifications, it is also necessary to study in the liberal arts. However, the cultivation of liberal arts talents at the graduate level should be more inclined to compound talent training, for example, foreign languages should strengthen the training of "foreign language +", vigorously develop "foreign language + artificial intelligence", and art classes can also carry out the interdisciplinary talent training of "art + science and technology", take interdisciplinary disciplines as the starting point of talent training, continuously deepen the construction of new liberal arts, and cultivate high-quality research talents to meet the needs of the times.

Chen Yongzhu introduced that in Guangdong Technical Normal University, the school firmly grasps the two themes of "technology" and "normal", and continuously deepens the ability training of graduate students. "Taking the Master of Education and the Master of Engineering as examples, we have continuously improved the research, practice and teaching ability of graduate students by adding an engineering module to the Master of Education and a teacher training module to the Master of Engineering, and using the training of 'double teacher' or 'triple teacher' as a means. Chen Yongzhu said, "Such export talents are very popular in the market, and many of the master's graduates we have trained can reach a starting salary of more than 200,000 yuan/year." ”

Make a career plan

Whether or not to go to graduate school depends on personal needs

A Qiang (pseudonym) from Guangdong Second Normal University went straight into the workplace after graduating from his bachelor's degree. "The postgraduate entrance examination is a long-term process, I feel that I may retreat on the road to graduate school, and I am more eager to make money, so I chose to enter the society. Xiao Chu (pseudonym), who graduated from an art university with a bachelor's degree, said, "Everyone's situation is different, and it should be analyzed differently from person to person." Some industries focus more on practical skills and experience than academic background, while others require years of systematic study in school to have the basic qualifications to enter the industry. It depends on what is the definition standard of talent in this industry, is academic qualification more important or practical experience more important? ”

"Be sure to be clear about your goals, and don't follow the trend of going to graduate school or going to graduate school for the sake of delaying employment. If the pressure of scientific research is high, graduate school is not much easier than work. Bei Xiaoxin thinks, "Think clearly about what you want, are you interested in scientific research, or is it a stepping stone to get a better position? or do you want to take a test to live a safe and stable life? ”

In terms of salary, Ah Qiang mentioned, "My former company was a state-owned enterprise, and the salary of undergraduates was about 6,000, and the graduate students in the same year were about 7,000. Xiao Chu said: "The salary in the film and television industry is not linked to academic qualifications, and the more experience the project, the higher the salary and position." My feeling is that the real-world experience I have accumulated on the job is something that I really need to know in this industry, and these experiences and skills are difficult to acquire through school education, and I will grow much faster in the workplace. ”

Chen Yongzhu also pointed out that the mismatch between the academic qualifications and salaries of graduate students does exist, which also shows that relevant departments and universities also need to further improve in discipline construction, talent training, school-enterprise cooperation, and integration of industry and education. "For example, we have vigorously developed the education and training program for outstanding engineers in recent years, continuously improved the incentive mechanism for school-enterprise collaborative education, increased the intensity of 'introduction of production into education', and formed a good ecology of school-enterprise cooperation by promoting resource sharing and complementary advantages, and jointly promoted talent training and innovation. Chen Yongzhu said, "Only by 'solving questions by enterprises, solving problems by tutors, and answering questions by students', and carrying out 'dual-teacher' training, and 'seamlessly connecting' graduate students with enterprises, can we continuously improve the employability of graduate students." ”

Source: Yangcheng Evening News

Editor: Zeng Jiayi

Editor-in-charge: Gao Yang Review: Du Hongli Final review: Zou Yan


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