
If you can't lose weight, it may be that your physique is doing trick→s!

author:Health Hangzhou

Do not lose weight in 3 months

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If you can't lose weight, it may be that your physique is doing trick→s!

Can't lose weight

It may be that the constitution is at fault

Professor Li Li of the Metabolic Disease Center of the Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University reminded that if you insist on losing weight, it is difficult to lose weight, especially the abdomen is soft, which may be caused by physical reasons.

If you can't lose weight, it may be that your physique is doing trick→s!

Spleen deficiency is not smooth, moisture accumulates in the body, and it is not cleaned up in time and effectively, which is easy to cause edematous obesity. If dampness is trapped in the body, it will form another more serious state - phlegm dampness.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that most people with phlegm and dampness are obese, with a pale yellow and dark complexion, and more slippery moss, more sticky phlegm in the mouth, chest tightness and heavy body, unpleasant limbs, often feel weak and do not want to move, lack of concentration, sweating and wheezing. There are also people who do not eat well, do not know the taste of food, have a distended stomach, and are full after a little eating.

Where does moisture come from?

There are two main organs in the body that manage dampness, the kidneys and the spleen.

Any cause of spleen and kidney damage can cause excessive dampness, such as the following poor lifestyle habits:


Love to eat cold food and sweets

Cold drinks and cold foods hurt the spleen and yang, which in turn affects the operation of jin fluid and forms phlegm and dampness;


Love to be sedentary and not exercise

Sitting for a long time makes the qi stagnation, affecting the spleen and stomach and causing phlegm and dampness;



Long-term alcoholism will cause weakness of the spleen and yang, abnormal fluids, and phlegm dampness;


Always eat fatty meat

It increases the burden on the spleen and stomach, resulting in excess nutrition, and phlegm and dampness appear over time.

A table of self-measurement of phlegm and dampness constitution


If you can't lose weight, it may be that your physique is doing trick→s!

Recently, there has been a lot of rain, how to get rid of dampness?

Regardless of whether it is phlegm and dampness constitution, we must pay attention to "dispelling dampness" in daily life.


First of all, we must exercise more, so that we can generate yang energy, and yang energy can warm up the water and dampness.


Regular massage of the abdomen can strengthen the spleen. Massaging the Zusanli acupoint can also regulate the spleen and stomach.


Eat regularly, eat regularly and quantitatively, do not overeat, and eat less raw and cold.


Adjust the physique, strengthen the spleen and dissolve phlegm and dampness through traditional Chinese medicine.

  • Guidance in this issue: Li Li, Metabolic Disease Center, Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University
  • Contributed by: The Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University
  • Please indicate "Healthy Hangzhou"

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If you can't lose weight, it may be that your physique is doing trick→s!

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