
Don't believe it, people who complain about social injustice all the time are cowardly and incompetent

author:Fusu little scholar

Do you have a kind of rotten person around you who always likes to complain endlessly when encountering things, as if he feels that the whole world is sorry for him, and feels that he will always suffer a great loss

When I was studying, I felt that the teacher was partial,

Coming out to work, I feel that the boss is pressing

Take a train and feel that the conductor treats you differently

Don't believe it, people who complain about social injustice are generally weak, incompetent people express their emotions through anger, and only when they are strong, the society is fair

There is a line in the TV series "The Way of Heaven".

The traditional concept of Chinese is that in the bones it is a word, relying on parents at home, relying on friends when going out, and never thinking of relying on themselves

Don't believe it, people who complain about social injustice all the time are cowardly and incompetent

In his bones, he relies on others

In the past, I didn't understand the idea of "relying on" very much, or I understood it very narrowly

The teacher is eccentric, why not be eccentric to himself

The boss squeezes, why not reward yourself

Treat differently, why not the one who is differentiated

In the end, I felt that I didn't take advantage of it, and I felt that I had suffered a loss, and none of these cheap benefits were relied upon

Because I couldn't get on these thighs, others didn't kneel and lick themselves like dogs, so I felt that this society was so unfair

It's funny, such a mentality is always a weakling, they will not reflect on the reason from themselves, they are always right, and others will always owe him

Don't believe it, people who complain about social injustice all the time are cowardly and incompetent

The resentment on the Internet is so heavy that it seems that the world is all wrong, and we live in an environment that is not suitable for human habitation

Take the post-00s rectification of the workplace as an example, it is really full of complaints and so-called unfairness

That's right, now everyone's awareness of rights protection has been enhanced, and some black-hearted enterprises are to be corrected and punished

But it's too much

On the one hand, many young people can't find a job now, it is difficult to work, deliver takeaways, run Didi, and on the other hand, when they are looking for jobs, they complain that there are few jobs and low wages, and the boss treats them as cattle and horses

Don't believe it, people who complain about social injustice all the time are cowardly and incompetent

When some job seekers communicate with HR in the initial way, they don't ask a word about the work content, confirm the five insurances and one housing fund, two days off, overtime treatment, etc., and then either think about it, or directly say that it is not suitable, and HR is in a bad mood, and he complains that HR has a bad attitude

The post-00s rectification is a joke, they only care about their own interests, and never want to be strong enough to bring some value to others, even if you can pat yourself on the back, you can have some emotional value, and now you can't even shoot on the back

It's not useless to say too much chicken soup, it's not wrong, it's just that everyone doesn't like to hear it

Don't work overtime, don't reply to customer messages after work, leave at the point, don't go to team building, don't help colleagues, don't do anything at all

Don't believe it, people who complain about social injustice all the time are cowardly and incompetent

Unable to recognize their own positioning and industry

Hey, I'll go, where are you going to work, you are looking for a temple to offer yourself, with a monthly salary of 3000, you feel that the boss has been squeezing you, you feel that the society is unfair, and you feel how much energy you have or how much Pu you have

Carefully observe the people around you who have high incomes and excellent salaries, such as those with a monthly salary of more than 30,000 yuan, will not complain about overtime, squeezing, and not replying to customer messages after work.

They can clearly recognize their own value, and the value created for the company for customers, can balance the degree of these things, really encountered unfair problems, they rely on their own ability and social resources to deal with,

It's not just complaining, being incompetent and furious, feeling that the whole world owes him

They are strong in their hearts, and they know that the thought, that thought, they don't rely on in their heads

People must rely on themselves

Don't believe it, people who complain about social injustice all the time are cowardly and incompetent

Some students will retort that those who get up early and buy groceries at night, those migrant workers, have a low level of education, and the work they do every day is dirty and messy, don't they work hard, is the world fair to them?

Don't say it, you think they're a little pitiful, they feel satisfied

They don't complain about the injustice of the world, and they know that they don't have enough education to do high-end jobs

But they will continue to accumulate and learn in their field, at least they will not complain about unfairness, but have been working diligently

A husband and wife stall in the vegetable market next to me, they go to bed at 8 o'clock every night, go to the wholesale market at two or three o'clock in the morning to buy, go out at 5 o'clock, and sell out at about 12 noon

Don't believe it, people who complain about social injustice all the time are cowardly and incompetent

People who sell vegetables don't complain about the injustice of the world

Sometimes chatting about homely things, I learned that he can earn about 500 yuan a day, when the new vegetables are on the market and are easy to sell, it is normal to earn eight or nine hundred a day, and the two in-laws are busy all day, and they are also happy, they are quite satisfied, they have been working for more than ten years, bought a car and a house, and their children have graduated from college and have a stable job

There is also a stall owner of a breakfast shop, I often go there to eat, and once I wanted to take a friend to eat on National Day, and found that he was not out of the stall

Later, he said that the whole family went to Canada for a trip, and they had saved enough money and didn't want to work so hard

I lose, do you say that they don't work hard, but have they complained about social injustice, it is true that they have no culture, they accept the reality, accept the lack of their ability, and have been learning, accumulating, diligent, and not complaining

They are what I think are the real powerhouses

The most difficult thing for people is to accept their own shortcomings

It's self-knowledge

Only if you are strong, the world is fair