
The fox and his friends make jokes about the goose, but they also teach the bad guys a lesson

author:Eyes full of hello to you

Okay, so I'll start telling this absurd and exaggerated story.

The fox and its friends, who made a joke about the goose, also taught the bad guys a lesson

I am a clever and cunning fox who lives with my good friend Weasel in a small forest on the edge of the village. Although we have very different personalities, we are the best friends. I'm witty, I'm aggressive, we support each other, and life is full of laughter and adventure.

One day, while we were wandering in the forest, we overheard the people of the village talking about the deliciousness of the goose. That seductive description made both of us drool. So, we decided to work together and go to the village to catch a big goose to taste.

As night fell, the stars lit up, and we crept to the edge of the village. Through the fence, we saw a flock of white and fat geese, which were pacing leisurely, occasionally making a "quack" call.

"Look at the fattest one," I said, pointing to one of the particularly fat geese, "that's our goal." ”

The weasel nodded, his eyes glinting with greed, "Go ahead, brother, I can't wait to taste that delicacy." ”

However, the plan to catch the goose did not go as smoothly as we thought. Just as we were about to get our hands on it, a watchdog suddenly barked wildly, causing the geese to flee in all directions. The weasel and I were also terrified and fled back to the forest.

"Damn dog!" the weasel cursed breathlessly.

"Don't be discouraged," I reassured, "we still have a chance." ”

The fox and his friends make jokes about the goose, but they also teach the bad guys a lesson

At this moment, a sinister voice came from the darkness: "Haha, you two stupid people, you still want to catch the big goose in the village?"

When we looked closely, it turned out to be the villain of the village, the cunning wolf. It has always had bad intentions towards us and wants to take advantage of us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked warily.

"Of course I'm here to help you," the wolf smiled slyly, "I know you want the goose, and I can help you." ”

Although we didn't have a crush on wolves, we decided to cooperate with wolves for the time being because of the delicious geese.

"What's your plan?" asked the weasel curiously.

"Simple," said the wolf triumphantly, "you come with me." ”

We followed the wolf to the other side of the village, where he pointed to a dilapidated chicken coop and said, "There are the geese you want, and the guards are lax." ”

When we looked at it, sure enough, there were a few fat geese wandering leisurely in it. The weasel and I looked at each other and decided to act.

However, just as we were about to enter the chicken coop, there was a sudden rush of footsteps. It turned out that it was the village farmer who discovered our attempt.

The fox and his friends make jokes about the goose, but they also teach the bad guys a lesson

"Run!" I shouted, and fled back into the forest with the weasel.

The wolf did not flee with us, but hid in a corner. When the farmer passes by, it suddenly jumps out and wants to scare the farmer. However, the farmer was not afraid, but picked up the stick in his hand and gave the wolf a heavy blow.


Seeing this, the weasel and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha, look at that stupid wolf," said the weasel with a laugh, "and tried to scare the farmer, but the farmer scared him away." ”

"yes," I said with a smile, "we'll be on our own." ”

Although we experienced two failures, the weasel and I didn't give up. We decided to act again, but this time we have to be more cautious.

A few days later, we took advantage of the hazy moonlight to come to the village again. This time we chose a yard without a watchdog and managed to catch a big fat goose.

When we returned to the forest with the goose, the wolf reappeared. It saw the big goose in our hands with a greedy glint in its eyes.

"Did you succeed?" asked the wolf, surprised.

The fox and his friends make jokes about the goose, but they also teach the bad guys a lesson

"Yes," I said triumphantly, "would you like to try it together?"

The wolf swallowed and nodded. So, we lit a bonfire in the forest and roasted the geese. When the goose was golden and crispy, the three of us sat around and enjoyed this delicious meal.

However, the wolf was not satisfied. As he ate, he calculated how to swallow the rest of the goose to himself. However, the weasel and I had already taken precautions, and we took advantage of the wolf's lack of attention to take all the remaining geese away, leaving behind a lot of goose bones.

When the wolf finished eating, he found that the geese were gone, and he was so angry that he screamed. And we hid in the distance, looking at its embarrassed appearance, and laughing backwards.

"That's the price of greed!" I said with a laugh.

Since then, wolves have never dared to underestimate us, and we have learned that greed and calculation often make people lose more. And although we made a lot of jokes for the big goose, we also taught the villain a lesson, which is really painful!

Then one day, the people of the village suddenly talked about a stranger who had entered the village and asked everywhere for the sights of foxes and weasels. When the weasel and I heard the news, we immediately became alarmed.

"Who could be looking for us?" I asked, confused.

"I don't know," the weasel shook his head, "but we have to be careful." ”

So, we decided to go into hid for the time being and observe the situation.

The fox and his friends make jokes about the goose, but they also teach the bad guys a lesson

A few days later, the stranger finally showed up. He was armed with a shotgun and had a fierce look in his eyes, and he was not a good person at first glance.

"Looks like he's coming for us," I whispered to the weasel, "and we're going to find a way to deal with him." ”

The weasel nodded, a sly glint flashing in his eyes, "I have a plan......"

It leaned into my ear and whispered its plan. I couldn't help but laugh when I heard this, "That's a great plan!

So, we followed the weasel's plan and got into action. First, we found a dense bush as a hiding place. Then, I deliberately left some footprints and hairs outside the bushes as bait.

As expected, the stranger quickly spotted the clues. He followed the footprints and hair all the way to the bushes. Just as he raised his shotgun to shoot, I burst out of the bushes and scared him away.


At this time, the weasel also took the opportunity to jump up and bit his trouser leg. The stranger was so frightened that he begged for mercy: "Let me go!

Looking at his embarrassed appearance, the weasel and I couldn't help but laugh. We let go of him and watched him roll and crawl out of the forest.

Since then, no one in the village has come to disturb us. And the stranger was so frightened by us that he never dared to step into the forest again.

The fox and his friends make jokes about the goose, but they also teach the bad guys a lesson

This is the story of me and the weasel because of the big goose to make jokes and teach the bad guys a lesson. Although the process was full of thrills and excitement, in the end, we overcame the difficulties with wisdom and courage. And through this experience, we also cherish the friendship and trust between each other even more.

Okay, let's move on to this absurd and exaggerated story.

The stranger who was scared away by me and the weasel was named Zhang San. He was originally a city hunter, and he thought he was good at marksmanship, so he went to the countryside to catch some game. Who knows, he met two of us "cunning ghosts", and finally fled, which also became a big failure in his life.

After Zhang San escaped, the weasel and I became famous in the forest. The animals all praised us as the heroes of the forest and protected them from Zhang San's harassment. Some of the animals even sent fruits and nuts as thanks. During that time, we can be regarded as living a "pampered" life.

However, the good times were short-lived. One day, a shocking news suddenly came from the forest: Zhang San is back! Moreover, this time he also brought a more powerful character - Li Si. It is said that Li Si is a master hunter, whether it is a fox or a weasel, it is impossible to escape his palm.

"What can I do?" the weasel looked at me with some concern.

I smiled and patted it on the shoulder, "Don't be afraid, we had an experience once, and we can scare them away this time." ”

So, we began to plan a new "battle plan". This time, we decided to use the topography and architecture of the forest to set up a "Ecstasy Array" for Zhang San and Li Si.

First, we found an abandoned hut in the forest and transformed it into a "haunted house". We hung the house with shabby clothes, put up all kinds of scary props, and recorded some weird sounds. When everything was ready, we began to wait for Zhang San and Li Si to arrive.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Zhang San and Li Si to step into our trap. They followed our footsteps to the "haunted house". Looking at the gloomy hut, Li Si frowned, "Something looks wrong in this place. ”

The fox and his friends make jokes about the goose, but they also teach the bad guys a lesson

Zhang San said nonchalantly: "What are you afraid of? We are professional." Let's go, go inside and have a look. ”

They pushed the door open and entered, only to find it pitch black. Suddenly, a strange voice came, which frightened Zhang San. Immediately after that, the lights in the room suddenly turned on, and the room was full of "ghosts" and horror props.


Looking at their embarrassed appearance, the weasel and I couldn't help but laugh. We managed to scare them away, and it was so enjoyable!

However, we have not let our guard down because of this. We know that Zhang San and Li Si will not give up easily. So, we decided to strengthen the defense of the forest and ensure the safety of the animals.

Weasel and I led the animals and dug a large pit at the entrance to the forest and covered it with leaves and branches. Then, we laid many traps and obstacles in the forest, making it difficult for Zhang San and Li Si to walk.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Zhang San and Li Si to make a comeback. They cautiously walked into the forest, but they did not expect to step into the big pit we had dug.

"Ouch!" Zhang San screamed and fell on all fours.

Li Si hurriedly stepped forward to help him, but accidentally triggered a trap, tripped over a rope, and also fell on his heels.

Looking at the two of them in a mess, weasel and the critters couldn't help but laugh. We stood on the branches and grimaced at them and laughed at their incompetence.

The fox and his friends make jokes about the goose, but they also teach the bad guys a lesson

Zhang San and Li Si were so angry that they gritted their teeth, but they were helpless. They know that they are no match for us. So, they left the forest in despair and never returned.

Since then, the forest has regained its former tranquility and harmony. The critters live a carefree life. And the weasel and I have become legendary heroes in the forest, and we are praised by everyone.

However, we are not complacent. We know that protecting forests and animals has a great responsibility. Therefore, we have always been vigilant and cautious, always ready to respond to any unexpected situation.

This is the story of me and the weasel because of the big goose and the lesson of the bad guys twice in a row. Although the process is full of thrilling, exciting and funny elements, in the end, we use wisdom and courage to protect the peace of the forest and the small animals. And through this experience, we also cherish the friendship and trust between each other even more, and become true forest guardians.

Then one day, the people of the village suddenly started talking about the recent emergence of a mysterious thief who specialized in stealing the villagers' belongings. When we heard the news, the weasel and I immediately became alert.

"This thief is so disgusting!" said the weasel angrily, "we must find a way to catch him!"

I nodded, "Yes, we can't let this kind of person go unpunished. We are going to use our wisdom and courage to bring this thief to justice!"

So, we set out to plan to catch the thieves. We decided to secretly observe the situation in the village first, to find out the whereabouts of the thieves and the pattern of their crimes. Then, we'll take the opportunity to take him down in one fell swoop!

After a few days of observation and reconnaissance, we finally found the clues of the thieves. It turned out that this thief always haunts in the dead of night, and picks out those who are not guarded against. Moreover, his modus operandi is very skillful and he is clearly a veteran.

"This thief is so cunning," I said with a frown, "we must find a way to lure him in." ”

The fox and his friends make jokes about the goose, but they also teach the bad guys a lesson

The weasel thought for a moment, and suddenly had an idea, "We can use an empty house in the village as bait. We put some belongings in the house as bait and then lay in ambush waiting for the thieves to take the bait. ”

I listened to the weasel's plan and praised it, "That's a good idea!

So we found an empty house in the village and laid everything out according to the plan. After nightfall, we waited for the thieves to come by lying in ambush around the house.

As expected, it didn't take long for a dark shadow to quietly approach the house. He looked around for a moment, then tiptoed into the house.

"That's him!" I whispered to the weasel, "let's do it!"

So we blocked the thieves' retreat one after the other. The thieves were frightened and turned to run away, but we caught them firmly.

"Who are you, what do you want to do?" the thief asked in a panic.

"We are the guardians of the forest!" I said righteously, "You have repeatedly stolen the belongings of the villagers, and today we have finally arrested you!"

The thief bowed his head in frustration after hearing our words, "I lost...... I didn't expect to be caught by you two little guys......"

We handed over the thieves to the village elders and told them the whole story, and the villagers gave us a thumbs up and praised us as the heroes of the village. Since then, there have been no more thefts in the village, and we have become a minor celebrity in the village.

The fox and his friends make jokes about the goose, but they also teach the bad guys a lesson

This is the story of me and the weasel once again using our wisdom and courage to protect the village. Although the process is full of thrills and excitement, we always believe that good will triumph over evil!


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