
詹妮弗·怀特(Jennifer White)

author:Cherry red

Born in 1988 in California, USA, Jennifer White has been involved in musical theatre since she was four years old.

詹妮弗·怀特(Jennifer White)
詹妮弗·怀特(Jennifer White)

She is a beauty of Dutch, British, Russian, Jewish, Ukrainian descent who started her career in 2009.

詹妮弗·怀特(Jennifer White)
詹妮弗·怀特(Jennifer White)

She has a mysterious and cold appearance, a strong and independent character, she is a maverick, she is fearless and difficult, she looks calm and sober, and she is full of coolness.

詹妮弗·怀特(Jennifer White)
詹妮弗·怀特(Jennifer White)

However, underneath her mysterious and cold exterior is a soft, kind heart.

詹妮弗·怀特(Jennifer White)
