
The best marriage is not to respect each other, not to be partners, but to have "three gases"

author:A lot of money

The best marriage is not to respect each other, not to be partners, but to have "three gases"

When marriage is described as "another school of life," many people can't help but ask: What is the best marriage? It is not as described in the ancient books, raising eyebrows and respecting each other, nor is it simply living together, but having "three qis". These three qis, like the seasoning of marriage, make the ordinary life rich and colorful, and let the two hearts closely depend on each other in the long river of years.

The best marriage is not to respect each other, not to be partners, but to have "three gases"

1. The air of understanding

Understanding is the most valuable asset in marriage. It is like the sun, illuminating each other's hearts, allowing misunderstandings and contradictions to disappear in the light of understanding.

"I understand you as much as you understand me. This is not a simple slogan, but it needs to be practiced in real life. When the other party encounters setbacks, it is not cynical, but gives warm hugs and encouragement, and when the other party achieves achievements, it is not jealousy and doubt, but sincere praise and blessings. This understanding stems from a deep love for each other, a silent communication between hearts and minds.

The best marriage is not to respect each other, not to be partners, but to have "three gases"

With understanding, husband and wife can truly "understand you". When one person tells the other party about their dreams, confusion, happiness, and sadness, the other person can not only listen, but also capture the other person's true feelings and give the most appropriate support and response. This tacit understanding is the result of the accumulation of time and a testimony of mutual understanding.

The best marriage is not to respect each other, not to be partners, but to have "three gases"

2. Inclusiveness

Tolerance is the rarest quality in marriage. Like the sea, it can accommodate thousands of rivers, allowing each other to swim freely in an inclusive ocean.

"No one is perfect, no one is perfect. "Everyone has their own shortcomings and shortcomings, and the key is to be able to accept and tolerate these imperfections. In marriage, when the other person behaves unpleasantly or says disappointing words, instead of blaming and criticizing, choose to be tolerant and understanding. This kind of tolerance is based on respect for the personality and dignity of the other party, and is based on the adherence to the commitment to marriage.

The best marriage is not to respect each other, not to be partners, but to have "three gases"

With tolerance, couples can truly achieve the word "don't care". When the other party makes a small mistake, it is not to linger, but to give appropriate reminders and opportunities for correction, and when the other party shows displeasure, it is not to turn a blind eye, but to give patient listening and comfort. This kind of indifference is not a disregard for mistakes, but a pursuit of harmony and stability in marriage.

The best marriage is not to respect each other, not to be partners, but to have "three gases"

Third, the spirit of innovation

Innovation is the most indispensable motivation in marriage. It is like air, injecting fresh vitality into married life and giving love a new lease of life under the light of innovation.

The trivial affairs of married life, like the dust of life, can easily make people tired and exhausted. This is where innovation comes in. It can be changing a habit and trying a new way of life, or it can be pursuing a goal and achieving a common dream. This kind of innovation, which stems from the love of life and trust in each other, is the driving force for continuous progress in married life.

The best marriage is not to respect each other, not to be partners, but to have "three gases"

With innovation, couples can truly "keep pace with the times". When the external environment changes, instead of sticking to the old ideas, we face the challenges together and find new solutions; This kind of keeping pace with the times is not a denial of the past, but an embrace of the future.

The "three qis" in marriage, understanding, tolerance and innovation, are like the three vertices of a triangle, supporting and interdependent. Understanding makes husband and wife more tacit, tolerance makes husband and wife more harmonious, and innovation makes husband and wife more vibrant. These three qi are the most valuable wealth in marriage, and they are also the key to maintaining marital happiness.

The best marriage is not to respect each other, not to be partners, but to have "three gases"

In the school of marriage, we must not only learn to understand, tolerate and innovate, but also learn to cherish and be grateful. Cherish every encounter and acquaintance, and be grateful for every companionship and dedication. Only in this way can we go further and further on the road of marriage and become happier and happier.

Marriage is not simply respecting each other, nor is it a casual partner, but it needs to be maintained and nourished by the three qi of understanding, tolerance and innovation. When we have these three qis, our married life will become more beautiful and fulfilling. Let's work together to create our own happy marriage!