
Heavy quilts, oily bedrooms, why is Rose so rich to live like this


Rose, a popular influencer, has a lot of popularity and a lot of fans. Surprisingly, however, his family environment reveals a staggering side. In the bedroom, the heavy duvet was cluttered and smelled musty. In the living room, clothes, newspapers and miscellaneous items are everywhere, and the sofa is littered with messy pillows. The kitchen was a mess, with moldy stains on the countertops and the smell of rotting food in the fridge.

Heavy quilts, oily bedrooms, why is Rose so rich to live like this

After this scene was exposed, it caused a strong discussion among netizens. Some people criticized Rose's lifestyle for being too sloppy, and even joked that he might be trying to pursue an artistic style and make his home feel like part of his artistic creation. The comment section is full of all kinds of ridicule and comparisons, which makes people laugh.

Heavy quilts, oily bedrooms, why is Rose so rich to live like this

However, we should also understand that as an influencer, Rose is under tremendous pressure to work on a daily basis. Not only does he have to create new content, but he also has to respond to the expectations of his fans and handle various work matters. Long hours leave him with little time to take care of the housework, which is one of the reasons for the chaotic family environment.

Heavy quilts, oily bedrooms, why is Rose so rich to live like this

At the same time, the competition in the influencer industry is also extremely fierce. In order to maintain their popularity and influence, influencers have to constantly innovate and design all kinds of eye-catching content. With this kind of high-intensity work, it is easy for people to ignore the cleanliness of the home environment.

Heavy quilts, oily bedrooms, why is Rose so rich to live like this

Therefore, we can't be too harsh on Rose, after all, everyone has their own way of life and situation. He is also just an ordinary person with his own difficulties and pressures. We should look at him with a tolerant and understanding attitude, rather than being too harsh on his state of life.

Heavy quilts, oily bedrooms, why is Rose so rich to live like this
Heavy quilts, oily bedrooms, why is Rose so rich to live like this
Heavy quilts, oily bedrooms, why is Rose so rich to live like this

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